
Growing Your MLM Business Without Chasing Your Warm Market

Well, what I'm about to share with your is my secret system to actually attract, say 10-20 interested leads to you on a daily basis. Could you imagine prospects that want, need and desire the information you have to offer?Take a minute and think about something...What other profession creates a client base or develops partnerships by chasing family and friends or handing out cards at the mall? Could you imagine a lawyer in CVS trying to drum up business? I would think he would be the last person that would come to mind when you were in need of a lawyer.Let me give you an example of nature to get my point across...Imagine you're standing on the beach, a beautiful day the sun is shining and the waves are breaking at your feet. Off to the left in the distance are a group of seagulls enjoying the warmth of the sun and surf the same as you. If you start to move quietly forward at a slow pace towards the seagulls they will basically stay put. Sure some will notice you and take flight. Now start running towards them hollering with your arms in the air and instantly the birds are gone.With that thought in mind...Think about the way you present your business to, what you have decided, are interested prospects. Same as the birds, they have no interest and were not looking for anything...you chase them away by being to forward!So, how do you learn to attract prospects instead of chase after them you ask? Let us take a look at a few simple steps to help you move in the right direction...First, you need to stop doing what you are doing. It should be pretty obvious it is not working. If it was you would not be searching for a better way.
Secondly if you think of and present yourself as a leader others will look up to you as a figure of authority. You need to become the type of person others will want to follow.
The third and maybe of utmost important is to connect with your prospect. Building some type of bond or relationship will take you to a whole new level of success, if done properly. Be it business or personal, building relationships is one of finest things we can accomplish.Take a minute and think of all the possibilities if you were to work with prospects that...looked up to you, trusted and had faith that you were the one with all the answers. It sure would make your job more enjoyable and much easier.Imagine how you would feel to finally reach your business goals and...live the lifestyle of your dreams!To Your Success,Kathy Martin

