
How to Get the Best Start in Any MLM

Of course, you can only have a good start in an MLM company if you fully utilize every single tool available, but I want to emphasize on the most important tools to use. The very first thing you need is something no one can give you. You need motivation. You need inspiration. Where would you look for motivation or inspiration? Its easy. Why did you join a business opportunity in the first place? Your motivation and inspiration is your WHY. You probably know of this why but you really need to USE it.Now to move on to the tools. You have a successful upline. Everyone has a successful upline. Listen to that successful upline. He/she is the very first person you want to learn from because they will teach you how they became successful. Most uplines will teach you traditional forms of marketing, which CAN work, but will not 100% of the time. However, you DO want to give these forms of marketing a try because they can give you the solid foundation and confidence you need. Also, if you have friends and/or family that are also interested in business opportunities and you have the chance to work with them, it gives you a team to start with. Sitting through home meetings, going to hotel meetings, and studying how to market offline will give you a good amount of knowledge about marketing your MLM business.Internet marketing. It is a beautiful thing. I want to show you the numbers. There are about 340 million people using the internet in North America and 7 billion people using the internet worldwide. Do you think you know 340 million people in your warm market? You probably don't and the only way to reach that amount of people is through 100s of levels of your network. The specific term we use for internet marketing is LEVERAGE because we want to use it to network with people we cannot reach in our offline market. I personally use the #1 internet marketing business building system, which can be found here. There are many things you need to do to really start your internet marketing system and I suggest you start RIGHT when you start working with your first MLM company. The training is all in the system, but I can give you a shortened version of the training.Duplication is the most wanted thing by all MLMers. They know they can do hard work and build their organization, but they cant build their whole organization by themselves forever! They need to duplicate themselves and teach their team members exactly what to do to increase the organization by 2, and 2, and 2, and 2 again! And you probably wouldn't have guessed it, but many people ask me, "Wilson, how do you duplicate your team so easily?" I easily respond, "Create a system."One more thing you need to learn is how to structure your business. There are different types of MLM structures and you will not like how your organization looks or is building because you did not know how to build in the beginning. The most popular MLM structure today is the binary system. The MLM business I am in also uses the binary system and I am successful partly because I learned how to build very early.

