If Communication is Key, Why Are You Doing it Wrong?
I have studied a lot of systems over the past two years and nothing compares to what Tim Sales has put together.First of all I want to make sure that you understand the most important part of building a successful network marketing business, is that you need to know how to communicate with your prospects. When I mean prospects that means everyone you want to introduce your product and/or business opportunity to.Most people will start with their warm list of family and friends and if they do not communicate correctly, your own family and friends won't give you the time of day. I have learned this the hard way and I don't want the same thing to happen to you. So below is the order in which you should start your Network Marketing business. The Inviting Formula:Step 1. Greet: Get your prospects to talk freely and openly to you. The key here is to make the prospect comfortable talking to you and willing to telling you what they most want and need from the business. This comfort level will naturally lead you to the next step.Step 2. Qualify: Find out what the prospect needs or wants as it pertains to your business. You must legitimately want your prospects to succeed if you are to be successful in this business. Part of this process is to truly understand and appreciate why the prospect wants to be in the business in the first place. Take the time to ask questions and find out what their motivations are, and the rest of the Inviting Formula will go much more smoothly.Step 3. Invite: Invite your prospect to look at some educational material that will help them get what they need or want. Education will help you overcome huge hurdles when inviting your prospects. It doesn't all have to come from you, either. Using experience within your organization and/or unbiased industry information to help educate your prospects will not only make them more comfortable with how the business works, but will also help you overcome any objections they may have.Step 4. Handle Any Questions or Objections: Help your prospects past what is stopping them from getting what they need or want. Objections are the biggest hurdles to overcome when guiding a new prospect into the business. Be ready to answer questions to educate your prospect and you will find that objections are pretty easy to overcome, especially when you know what likely objections they will have.Step 5. Close to Action: End the conversation by confirming the next time the two of you will talk and what each person is to do prior to that conversation. Assume a leadership role here and stay in charge of the process. Don't count on the prospect to be proactive, since they are new and don't have the understanding that you have. By giving them action steps to follow and having them make small commitments, you will effectively guide them into a more independent and active role in the business.Step 6. Follow Up or Follow Through: Help your prospect get what they've said they need or want by moving them closer to getting it. Once a prospect has expressed interest in your business, they will be relying on you for information and guidance. So make sure you do whatever it takes to help this person achieve their goals, and show interest in their success during the early phase of their involvement in the business. In short, be a leader that you'd want to follow and look up to if you were in the prospect's shoes.After you learn how to communicate the rest is easy and becomes natural, don't make it difficult and frustrating when prospects keep telling you no.
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