
Vemma Marketing - How Attraction Marketing Can Revolutionize Your Vemma Business

Are you a Vemma distributor or thinking about becoming one? If you answered "Yes", then this article is definitely going to do "OODLES" for your business. Of course when I say "OODLES", I actually mean, "FREE Vemma Leads ALL DAY LONG." In this article, I'm going to expose some killer marketing secrets to help you LIGHT UP your Vemma marketing and lead generation efforts. Ready to take your business to the next level? Then read on...Using the internet to market for my MLM business is the love of my life. Except for my girlfriend of course (She's standing over my shoulder so I have to say that - hehe). Anyhow, I'm dead set on a mission to help you conquer the web and blow up your Vemma downline like an atom bomb mushroom cloud. But keep in mind, marketing can be extremely tricky and time consuming if you don't know what you're tinkering with. Before we jump in, let's first take a look at Vemma's marketing agenda.When you first click on Vemma's corporate site, you can quickly get to videos of BK Boreyko, the founder and President of Vemma. BK Boreyko simply says, "All you have to do is get 'unshy' and go out there and talk to people! That's all we want you to do!". Basically, the CEO of Vemma is telling you to resort to old school marketing methods (no offense). Wouldn't it be nice if we could just call 2 of our friends who called 2 of their friends and so on, and so on, and so on... Unfortunately, the modern network marketing landscape is changing at a rapid rate.Now I'm not getting negative on Vemma's primary marketing model. It's just that Vemma marketing can use a strong dose of modern day internet love. That's right. I said "Internet Love". I mean do you really want to chase after friends and family members? Cause think about it; who do they blame when they DON'T make any money? Hmmm... (Hint: Look in the mirror)The point is this: USE THE INTERNET. OVER 200,000 PEOPLE EACH WEEK are scrambling to the internet to find a lucrative opportunity and the ability to work from home (and the numbers continue to skyrocket like crazy). Can you imagine what would happen if you could position your Vemma business in front of this MASSIVE WAVE OF EYEBALLS? What if you suddenly found yourself signing up 2 to 3 new distributors each and every week? That's 8 to 12 new distributors each and every month which is definitely well above the industry average. To truly benefit from all that network marketing has to offer in this age of the internet, you will need to learn how to attract leads and prospects to you like bees to honey. Doesn't that sound better than bugging the people you know? And you can do this by applying the principles of "Attraction Marketing." Can you imagine new people reaching out to you by phone and email, inquiring about your Vemma business on a daily basis? It's absolutely liberating. You have no idea until you experience it for yourself. I've got a HUGE GRIN just thinking about it."Attraction Marketing" will make YOU STAND OUT. It will not have you cloned like every other replicated Vemma website out there. And I think it's foolish to even ask but you DO WANT TO stand out from the crowd right?Attracting people to your business begins with one simple concept and that concept is to simply BRAND YOURSELF ONLINE. You need to learn how to create a strong presence online and PROMOTE YOU with a FRENZY on a DAILY BASIS.By flipping the dynamic and having people seek you out instead of the other way around, you will PSYCHOLOGICALLY earn the POWER POSITION. Attraction marketing does come with a slight learning curve and could take you a little while to master. But attracting a consistent flow of leads to your Vemma or MLM business is worth it isn't it? There's simply nothing better than checking your emails and seeing the words, "YOU HAVE A NEW LEAD". All you gotta do now is get dialed into a proven system and get to work!

