Confessions of a Network Marketing Loser Turned High Earner
There are many facets of network marketing in general which, to this day, fascinates me a big deal. One such facet is this industry's ability to turn ordinary people without a single iota of job experience into income generating mammoths capable of earning huge profits at any given time. That's the best characteristic of the MLM industry that attracted me completely, and after more than seven (7) years of being an active network marketer, the "dream" has never left me. Partially, my goals and ideals are being fulfilled along the way. Now that my income has soared to "above average" levels, I am now ready to take it even higher to the next best step - the arena of millions or hundreds of thousands.Everywhere we turn on the internet, we see distributors and internet marketers capitalize on how hard they've struggled, or how difficult it is to build success in this industry. This is saddening because multi-level marketing is not meant to be endured, but to be enjoyed. It is the only industry in the world where people can actually take charge of themselves and their time, where hours and minutes do not have a price tag! It is also the only industry in the world where your money compounds even without investing it in a bank or some financial institution. Everything happens before your very eyes.After my long stretch in network marketing, and after my various stints of financial success, I am now willing to give you this confession. The ultimate secret to making money in this industry is people. Don't slap me on the face for keeping this very simple. Lots of distributors simply forget the people factor in their marketing efforts! They focus on the method of advertising, the medium of communication, or clarity of their sales message, but they forget to discover what their unique prospects truly want!The key, I've found, is to plant seeds of goodwill into other people. Until you've done that, you are in no position to sell product or present a business opportunity. I don't care how good your Google ad may be, or even if your webpage has a high PageRank or amount of backlinks. If you are not building people relationships and sowing seeds of goodwill, all your business will go down the drain eventually. Attritions rates will rise, and your downline will leak like water in a damaged bucket. How do you sow seeds of goodwill? The key is to know what customers want, then provide it (free at first). Keep them interested for as long as it takes. Just sow and you will reap.
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