
Do You Want to Be a Turkey in MLM?

I had the great privilege yesterday to see a tom turkey showing off for a hen. His head was bright blue, and his tail feathers were all fanned out. The hen was walking toward him, so she must have been impressed! He was indeed a handsome guy.Do you believe these thoughts were in his head?
Omigosh I hope she likes me
What if she already has a mate?
Am I the handsomest tom she has ever seen?
I doubt it! Of course I can't get inside the head of a turkey, but I think there was one thing on his mind: I'm gonna get lucky!Animals don't doubt themselves. They go after what they want. Sometimes they have to fight for it, but they never stop to question whether or not they should go for it. So why do we?They don't question their methods either. I have one cat who drinks from the bowl and another who sticks her paw in the water and licks it off. Someone told me their cat will only drink from the dog's bowl. Another lady told me her cat likes water fresh from the faucet. She had a face full of cleanser and was trying to wash it off, and the cat kept interfering! Do they care if we laugh at their antics? No! So why do we let criticism bother us so much?One of my mentors, Art Jonak, tells new distributors something like this: "You will not succeed because of me nor fail because of me. Your success is inside of YOU." Of course new distributors need help. They need training about people, and training about the industry. But you cannot teach someone to be motivated and self-confident. You can teach them methods to develop motivation and self-confidence but they must do the work themselves.To make it in MLM, you need to be absolutely driven. You need to be focused. Your sponsor cannot do that for you, even if they call you every hour!People will criticise you for getting into MLM. Often our relatives and friends are the worst critics. You need to have a thick skin when it comes to these people. Don't give up on your dreams because someone else can't see the vision you do!Some people, like my husband, always seem to move forward with confidence and never seem to question their intentions or worry much about criticism. With concentrated effort I am learning to do the same.SO CAN YOU!Do not believe for one second that your dream is out of reach. Success is within every one of us. You just have to decide not to settle for less! Spread your feathers and turn your head blue! You WILL impress the world and attract the life you desire.

