
Network Marketing Leads - Learn Telephone Prospecting Tips From Top Lead Generation Companies

It is so true that many network marketing lead generation companies make a fortune selling leads to people like you who really need them to begin with. The question that bothers most people is this: If those leads are so great, why don't companies use it themselves to promote their own network marketing business? Why do they sell them for as high as $5 a lead? The fact is that lead generation companies know that it is more profitable to sell leads than to follow up on them for a business opportunity presentation because they already know the conversion rate is incredibly low. So does that make it unethical for them to sell you those kinds of leads?Fact: There Are Many Reputable Lead Generation Companies That Sell Highly Targeted Leads That Have Low Conversion RatesIf the conversation rate is low, is it considered dishonest for them to sell you those kinds of leads in the first place? Not exactly. If you do not believe me, why don't you take the time to talk to a network marketing guru who is really good at generating leads on the internet. These are people who are actually going about the business of creating leads for their own network marketing business. I am not talking about someone who has done it a long time ago and are teaching it. Those are not the people you should be talking to.From those active network marketing gurus, you will find out that a high percentage of the leads they personally generate themselves are not going to respond to their offers. And let me remind you again that these people are good at what they do. So even if you take the time to master these strategies, you are still going to run into those same low conversion numbers. In other words, out of 100 leads you personally generate, 1 or 2 will probably join you in your MLM business. Those are the actual statistics.So How Do You Go About Increasing Your Conversion Rate?If you are new to the industry and do not want to go through the trouble of learning the complications of internet marketing lead generation, then you need to find a lead company that not only sell high quality leads but also teach the principles of telephone prospecting to their customers.There are a lot of MLM lead companies that do not make the effort to provide the proper training to their lead customers on how to effectively contact their prospects. This is one of the most overlooked issues in network marketing today. Now can you see why so many people are saying that buying leads do not work? It is like me selling you a gun with no ammunition. In other words, how can you contact those highly targeted prospects with confidence if you do not know what to say to them? This is where a high percentage of network marketers struggle with their leads.Important Tip: Only Buy Leads From Companies That Do Live Telephone Dials To Network Marketing Prospects On A Routine BasisWere you aware that there are companies that actually provide you with a telephone number and access code to a live conference call in which you can hear a professional network marketer call those leads live in real time? You will learn what to say to those leads just by listening and taking notes. Most network marketers fail because they simply do not have a telephone script to use to follow up on those leads. And they also do not know the answers to the frequently asked questions and objections that one can encounter when talking to a prospect.

