
MLM Network Marketing Success Tips - Have You Ever Looked at Your MLM Compensation Plan?

Have you ever looked at your MLM compensation plan? This is a question that anyone involved in MLM should be asked because it can make the difference between success and failure. If you are involved in MLM then you need to analysis your company compensation plan to see if it meets your expectations.So let us look at compensation plans. I am not going to add any subjective thoughts to the statements being made within this article because my opinion does not matter when it comes to compensation plans. What matters is the analytical truth concerning them.With any network marketing company the pay plan is very important for the success of the company and the success of the distributors. If the company gives away too much money then their profits and operating budgets must go down. If they do not give away enough money the distributors will begin looking at other opportunities.Therefore compensations plans are a balancing act that each company must review and manage if they want to be successful in the long term. As a distributor or potential distributor one must carefully review the compensation plan to ensure it meets with their personality style while being acceptable to a majority of people.The best pay plans are those that bring you the greatest income with the fewest number of people in your down line as possible. Now, I am not referring to large ticket products, like something that is over $1000, as the success with these cannot be duplicated by a majority of people and therefore they are not long term solutions. The entry level for any long term MLM opportunity must be in the range of $50 to $500 for most people.When you analysis a compensation plan the best way to do it is with a calculator as your main tool. Find the number of people it will take to $10,000 each month. Take the auto-ship commitment and multiple it by the distributor's commission, which will give you a value that you will get from each sale. Take that number and divide it into $10,000 and that will tell you the number of sales you need to make each month within your down line to generate $10k in revenue for you.This is a simple but effective way to determine the number of distributors you need in your down line to generate a full time monthly income. There are plans available that require you to have 250 to 350 in your down line to reach the $10K and there are plans available that require you to have 10,000 people in your down line to reach the $10k mark. Which plan would you like to work with?Finding a business that has a compensation plan that pays you well are not hard to find, but it does take research and analysis to find them. Most compensation plans can be difficult to understand at first because companies do not want you to see their limitation....in many cases.Take the time and review the compensation plan before joining an MLM company, even if you love their products. Products are only one part of a successful business opportunity, compensation plans are another region that needs to be fully understood before committing to the business.

