
Stop "Sharing" Your MLM Products, This Will Only Lead You to Business Failure - Part 1

I can not believe how many MLM uplines still preach the "sharing of MLM products" for sales speech. That method never really worked for several reasons, starting with it is an abuse of friendships.Deceiving FriendsBy "sharing" your MLM products to your friends, you are abusing that influence for money. Calling it Sharing to your friends is a deception that kills your credibility. Then who wants to buy from a deceiver?SharingWhen you actually share a product with someone, you will have nothing to gain but a stronger relationship! Monetary gain is out! Sharing is giving some part of something that you own for nothing in return, so how can you profit from sharing?Sales Is Not SharingYou can share what your MLM products have done for you with a friend if you expect nothing in return. The minute that he pays you for anything, he changes from friend to Client. So, what's the difference you ask? Easy! Your relationship!Friends or Clients/PartnersHave you heard the saying:"You can't have your cake and eat it too"? Well its the same here, in a client's mindset, they have to watch you so you don't gouge them and their pocketbook. This mindset makes them no longer trust you like they did before, just like business partners, always looking over your shoulder.HonestyDon't try to sneak things past your friends and family, this will only ruin your relationship with them. The fact is that at this stage of the game, you need experienced fellow entrepreneurs, not a bunch of other newbies. Be honest with them, but make sure that the system is repeatable down to the last step before you let them join. This maintains your integrity and will let them make an informed decision.Warm Market SupportThe best way to use your friends and family at this point is to use them for moral support. Being in business is not for everyone, especially if you do not have the support of your warm market/circle of influence. Get your business foundation set firm enough that if your friend wants to join you, you have the experience to lead them and yourself to success.Keeping It BusinessThese are just a few reasons that you should not target your warm market for the "sharing" of your MLM products. There are psychological reasons too. In all, keep business business and friends friends. Don't try for a quick buck at the expense of a good relationship, it only ends up making you the loser. So follow the proven steps to success, by building relationships! Then market your MLM products with proven, "Real" marketing methods!As always, boost your time and efforts with these MLM products marketing tips.Thanks for your time and interest,

