
How You Can Make Money Being Online

Americans spend countless hours per week working, playing, connecting and taking care of personal business online. Yet, many remain skeptical that they could translate skills they use for leisure activities to make money being online. It is against the American way to think it possible to receive something valuable for next to nothing. Yet, what if the home-based online businesses really aren't about getting something for nothing? What if they really can live up to their promise?Among the most misunderstood home-based online businesses are Multi-Level Marketing campaigns. Viewed by some as pyramid or "Ponzi" scheme, the common judgment is that they racket real money through non-existent or insignificant products. Yet, the reality is that MLM is a viable business model if approached ethically and with a good model for profit and collaborative sharing. Legitimate MLM businesses really do allow you to make money being online.So, how do they do it? The good ones take the "Marketing" in MLM and apply it to a business that truly needs an ample sales force to thrive. The formula is simple: the maker of a high-margin product has incentives to sell as much volume as possible. In order to sell more product, it gives salespeople a commission for selling-a commission not low enough to erode its own profits. The nature of its product is such that, the more salespeople who sell, the more profits the product maker makes. Therefore, in a legitimate MLM business, the base product margins are so high that even sales people can make money being online.The trick to achieving profitability as an MLM salesperson is to find an MLM that is a product-oriented business. Many MLMs are set up to benefit only those who are near the top. Find one that demonstrates a legitimate focus.

