Why You Absolutely, Positively, Must Build Your Business - Not Your Business Opportunity
Pay attention kids, this one's important...I know you've heard all about attraction marketing and how if you really want to be successful in the network marketing industry today that you should be attracting people to you, not your company. People could care less about your company. They care about you and what you have to offer them.Your company is just a tool. A tool to help YOU achieve your dreams and goals. NOT your company's dreams and goals. If your only working to build your biz opp, you're really just a well-paid employee, no different than the guy that's selling an extended warranty on that computer at Best Buy.Yes, you probably get paid a TON more money that he does, but you're not really any different. You're not building YOUR business. You're building someone else's.And, just like in the "real world" that can sometimes come back and bite you in the rear end.Let's just say, for instance, that you've built up a massive group in your company. You're making 5-figures a month and doing quite well from the checks from this company.Then, without notice, you get a call. "Sorry, we're closing our doors to our distributors at the end of the month. Best of luck to you."Have you ever watched The Apprentice? Did you feel like you were just sitting in the board room and Donald Trump just told you, "You're FIRED!"'Cause that's pretty much what just happened.And if you haven't been building YOUR business, things could get sticky pretty quickly.Your income has suddenly gone from 5-figures to ZERO. That's not a number that I'm very comfortable with.Zip. Zilch. Nada. ZERO.And I'm not telling you this to scare you, but this is a situation that is all too familiar within the network marketing community.SO...You have a decision to make. Are you going to continue to promote THEIR business, or are you going to use THEIR business as a tool to grow YOUR business. IF you make the second choice, you won't have to rebuild if the everything comes crashing down.You'll just reload and keep firing away at your dreams and goals.Look out for number one. Nobody else will. Your success in this business is totally dependent upon your ability to build YOUR business, not the one that someone is trying to hand to you. Build your business and you can change the business opportunity anytime you like. You'll be a leader, and people will follow true leaders wherever they go.
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