
To Buy Or Not to Buy Network Marketing Leads

Network marketing leads are the people most likely to buy your product or join your company as a recruit. They are also one of the most important resources you can use in network marketing. This is exactly why there are companies that claim to find these leads and 'selling' the leads to network marketers.Now here's the question: should you buy these leads?Mass-ActionThe main point of buying leads is that you get a list of people that are interested in what network marketing has to offer. You then approach these people one by one and sell them your position. This is called mass-action. The main advantage being pushed here is a statistical one.You phone a thousand people that express some interest in network marketing, and you a few of them should respond positively to your recruiting. Phoning a hundred people a day means that you can finish a thousand leads in ten days. If even just 1% of your phone calls connect and sign up with the company - that's 10 recruits - then you should come out gaining in the end. There are some very big problems with this purely statistical treatment, though.The Downside of Mass-ActionThe first and most important downside is the lack of information about your leads. You buy names and numbers but you do not have a clue as to what they want or not. They might not answer the phone. They might be broke. They might have been offered the same deal fifty times by the time you call.Other serious downsides of mass-action are the fees and commissions. You will have to pay good money to buy those leads, and you may even find yourself paying commissions in the long run. You will also have to spend a lot of time and money advertising to these leads, which adds up to the costs even further.The bottom lineBuying leads is not recommended. Conducting surveys yourself and finding out more about your leads will give you more to work with when persuading them. You can then increase your conversion rates since you know how to modify your sales tactics to suit the wants and needs of your lead.Optimizing your webpage for search engines is also another powerful tool for finding network marketing leads. The leads will start coming to you instead of you going out and looking for them. That's definitely a better use of time than phoning a thousand numbers and getting abysmal results for your efforts.

