Online Network Marketing - It's Saturated, Time to Move On
Online network marketing has become saturated. If you let yourself believe that, your success will be determined on many of the beliefs you hold within.You may have entered this specific niche and have seen the amount of people using social media, search engines, video networks to generate leads.I can tell you this, actually I can guarantee you that 99% of them are not making any money at all. The reason being is because they all look,sound the same in terms of marketing.There are very few marketers within the niche of online network marketing that truly understand creativity, uniqueness and how to create "YOU INC".If you are not familiar with "YOU INC", let me give you a little secret and update about this extraordinary pre-fix. The ability to sell yourself and brand YOU throughout the internet is a easy million dollar business within 3-4 years if not sooner.You will have more leads and distributors joining your business than you could ever imagine, and your income will sky rocket so high that you will not know what to do with your own money.When walking into the banks, you will no longer have to sit there and wait for the next teller because they will know who you are instantly.How is that for a change in your network marketing career? Well its possible and using online network marketing techniques and strategies you can truly accomplish this very quickly.Now there are some fundamentals that I want to discuss with you, that you must understand and implement immediately if you want results.I personally don't want you to be like the other 99% who are not following the fundamentals, trying to become the guru but yet their own bank accounts have nothing to show for it. Many are working a new "online job", and yet not really building a long-term sustainable network marketing organization.Let me remind you, the purpose you are here is to learn and expand your knowledge base of lead generation so you can grow your organization.These are my favorite strategies that I suggest for online network marketing leads:1. Article Marketing: No longer can you just write 1 piece of content and hope for the best. If you are approaching this method of traffic this way you will lose your shorts very quickly.By the way, article marketing is like printing a front page article in your local newspaper where the masses can see it, but not worrying about paying $80,000 for it.In order to achieve some great rankings and traffic results, writing for 90-days consistent and then submitting your content all over the internet will provide you huge amounts of leads.2. Video Marketing: This is the same type of concept as Article marketing, but the only difference is you are not writing, but creating small 2-4 minute videos talking about you, network marketing, success and life in general.Now once again creating 1 video and hoping for the best will never pay out, its critical that you take your 1 little video and submit to all of the 100 video networks available.So this way your video now has become 100 instead of 1.In conclusion, online network marketing is not over saturated nor will it be, because always remember 99% of those marketing are doing it incorrectly.
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