
Network Marketing Leads - Using Craigslist For SEO in MLM Lead Generation

Network marketing leads are necessary for the growth of your business. In order for it to be very effective, it is highly recommended to implement free advertising strategies using a high ranking classified ad site called Craigslist. Why? It case you are not aware, not only do people search on Craigslist to look for your offers. They also use the Google search engines too. The power of using Craigslist for SEO purposes that most people are unaware of is that you can literally get your ad easily on the first pages of Google on the keyword you want to dominate in.Fact: How Long Does Your Listing Lasts On Craigslist?Approximately two weeks. So you have the benefit of having the captivating headline of your Craigslist dominating the Google search engines for that time period. One thing you must realize that in order for this tactic to work effectively, you must link your Craigslist ad to your landing page that continues the message from where your Craigslist ad left off.In other words, if you are offering a weight loss product, both the headlines of your Craigslist ad and your landing page must contain keywords that pertains to the weight loss market.Make Sure Your Craigslist Ad Copy Matches Your Landing Page OfferNothing is more aggravating than a person to click your ad that takes them to a site about how to make money selling weight loss products through a network marketing channel. Your prospect is only interested in losing weight. Not making money. I see many network marketers continue to make this same mistake in their online marketing efforts.Just remember these important principles. A weight loss market is completely different from the weight-loss money making market. However, there are many circumstances where the weight loss customer could be happy with his or her weight loss results that they decide, at the last moment, to take advantage of the income earning opportunities associated with weight loss.Just remember one thing. These things must be accomplished in steps. Too many network marketers make the mistake of trying to cram both the weight loss benefit and the money making opportunity down the throats of their prospect. Please do not make the mistake of turning them off. The last thing you want is your prospect to paint a picture of you running some kind of pyramiding scheme.What Am I Supposed To Advertise On Craigslist - The Weight Loss Product or The Income Opportunity?It is highly recommended based on the experience and feedback I got from many successful network marketers that you run two completely separate ads. Just remember that these are two different markets. And it is highly recommended that you run different ads in different categories that cover all aspects of your product.In other words, if your weight loss product also helps with depression, create another Craigslist ad that supports that fact. Keep this topic separate from the weight loss ad copy. You will get much better results if you follow this format of ad copy layout.

