
Why People With Dyslexia Should Look Towards the Internet For Business

Did you know 20 percent of all entrepreneurs in the UK are dyslexic and 35 percent in the US. They learn more through video and practical application than the written word.Problem Solving: Seeing things as a whole and offering a different perspective by using fresh ideas, which can be innovative solutions.Verbal communication: Fluent and witty speech is common, with accompanying skill in public speaking, (you tube to share your message) drama, marketing, communicating by telephone and teaching.General auditory memory: They are able to remember spoken information, for example from listening to a lecture, television program or song. Sometimes powers of recall can be to the extent of reciting word for word.People skills: They have a keen social awareness an ability to tap into current trends.Dyslexics can say they have watched more films than read books.The question is where is this taking me? Well any business requires learning. How you learn will obvious affect the outcome of your business success. I have found learning through video and practical application has helped me learn the skills to succeed online.Creativity: If you were to look for successful Dyslexics they would be in creative lines of work. E.g. film, the arts, inventors or pushing the boundaries of technology. The term thinking out of the box is what Dyslexics do best.Final note: Free advice would be to look for an opportunity that allows you to learn through video and ask questions in a webinar. Also it helps to learn things in bite size chunks, so you can apply there and then.Good luck.

