Why There Are So Many Lies About Network Marketing and How Not to Be a Victim
By lies I mean false truths about the industry and the many available opportunities. Would you like to know why? It's because most people in network marketing don't know they're lying!! How can that be true, you say. There's a 97% failure rate among network marketers!! That's unacceptable. It's unacceptable because so many people are cheated of having the life style they want, and it doesn't have to be that way.Network marketers are failing because the person who presented the business to them and signed them up lied to them and didn't know he was lying. He treated them the same way he was treated when he started. No one told him there's a specific method for success in network marketing. And, he didn't know he didn't know that.And, as hard as it is to believe, most network marketing companies don't provide this information for their distributors, nor do they even know what it is... they just keep doing what they've been doing for the past how many years. These companies know that only a few network marketers are successful, but they don't know how to fix it. They just keep spewing out information on how their opportunity is the best in the world and requires the least amount of time to become successful.New distributors are told the way to succeed and make a SIX FIGURE INCOME (which they want desperately to be true - and it can be if it's done the right way) is to go out and recruit anybody and everybody they can find and tell them about this wonderful opportunity and how they will surely earn a SIX FIGURE INCOME in a very short time - no problems - easy as pie - AND all the SELLING is done for you. If that were true, why would they need you? Just another lie!This is a classic recipe for failure.Most of the people in network marketing who failed either come away with a very bad taste in their mouth and think all network marketing is bad or they think it must be their fault, and they are just failures.They don't know they have been cheated out of the most important and necessary ingredient of all - training to learn the proper way to make network marketing a success. And, they, in turn, aren't trained to assist their new recruits. It becomes a vicious circle, and everybody loses.You see, most people who go into network marketing aren't professional business people, and some know very little about running a business. But the truth of the matter is, any type of business one goes into is unique in itself, and "learning the ropes" is mandatory for real success.I don't mean just learning all about your product and opportunity; I mean knowing the correct way to market yourself and SELL (oh, there's that bad word again) your opportunity. Because, if you don't know how to do that, you don't have a business.Here's a secret almost no one knows... the ability to fully understand the tremendous affect good sales and marketing will have on your bottom line (and being able to share this with your downline) is much more important than knowing every detail of your business opportunity so well you could recite it in your sleep.This is not scary nor is it hard to learn - it needs to be looked at as something that is a basic necessity if you want to be successful in network marketing. There are thousands of network marketing opportunities in the world to join, but there are only a small handful of businesses who actually teach network marketers how to be successful... I can think of only two. Thus, the reason for the 97% failure rate.There's an incredible "high" when you know you've reached the success point; and at that time you can legitimately dream of and attain your SIX FIGURE INCOME! (Or more!)
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