Struggling in Your MLM? Do You Have What it Takes?
Yeah, yeah, yeah....97% of internet/network marketers fail. We know this; you have heard it time and time again, right? Well, it is true and unfortunately even though internet marketing has been around for over almost 2 decades this depressingly large failure rate still holds true in 2010. But, despite the cards stacked against them, thousands of people join network marketing or a home based business opportunity every single day.What is so attractive about network marketing?? Well, the time and freedom to work from home is probably one major reason. More could be that you get to be your own boss and can set your own hours and work when you want to. You don't have to answer to anybody but yourself, don't have to be to work at a certain time and can work your own pace. Read further as to why this could be one huge factor in why many fail. Another reason is that your income is really limitless. You "can" make a lot of money as in internet marketer. Notice I said can, and this is where most people fall short in the industry. Also, with unemployment rates averaging 10% across the country, many are looking at alternative sources of income like making money online.If you are new to network marketing or are looking to join a home based business you have got your work cut out for you. The industry is fierce and it will take time and effort to learn how to market your business online.Below are 3 questions you need to ask yourself when deciding to take on a home based business.(1) Time-Do you have the necessary time to put in to your home business? Nothing is set and forget and you will have to spend time working and marketing your business.(2) Knowledge-Do you have the education and the know how to make money in the work at home industry? Many of us may be college educated and highly intelligent but that does not mean we are good at network marketing. Just as Doctors and Dentists need schooling in their profession so do internet marketers. Are you familiar with effective ways to get traffic and are you willing to put the time in to get educated on what works and what doesn't?(3) Motivation-Are you motivated enough to put in the time and get the education you will need to succeed? Self motivation is very important in this industry. Maintaining a positive attitude and believing in yourself are very important factors that will help you succeed at working from home. Also, as I mentioned earlier because of the freedom people have in a home based business, many are not disciplined enough to do what it takes to become successful.There are many perks to network marketing and it is very possible to make money, but unfortunately nothing happens overnight. Many people get seduced by a very well written email or website and fall victim to the hype of the industry. There are lots of opportunities out there, some legit and many that are scams. I would highly recommend you research a company, listen to a few opportunity and training calls, and see what exactly it is you will be getting into.Ask yourself...Is this something I want to become a part of and will I feel good about representing this company?Is this something I can build a long term residual income with or is it just temporary?Does this company have adequate training and support?Do I have the time, knowledge and motivation to make money at this?You can make money from home and be a part of the 3% that turn a profit. But making an income from home is just like any other job profession out there and requires skills that you will only get through training.
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