Your First Year in Network Marketing Should Not Be Your Worst
I have seen it time and again, a frustrated distributor never making past your first year in network marketing, let alone your first couple of months. The reasons vary greatly but the bottom line is that usually its poor training and lack of skills. It has been said that network marketing is an industry of people that do not understand marketing. Follow along in this article and see how easy it can be not to fail.You get excited about your companies opportunity or product and off you go. Making a list of friends and family just like your sponsor advised. Your products and/or distributor kit arrives and you begin sharing your new business with everyone that will listen. Most people can make a pretty good size list of folks they know and associate with. The problem is that a good portion of those are not prospects. What I mean by that is, they are not looking to begin a new business from home.Ok, not a problem you say! I know the people on my list will want to become a customer of mine. These products are so great, everyone can benefit from them. Problem number two. Most MLM products are high quality but over-priced. In today's economy if you can not compete with reputable storefront businesses, your going to be disappointed. This is especially true with nutritional products.So now your going into month two of your auto ship and your getting ready to spend another $150 or maybe even more. This is when most people begin to spend themselves out of business. Their list has dwindled and nobody in their up line has taught you how to generate leads. You first year in network marketing does not appear you will last your first three months.Off line marketing can be very powerful and a necessary tool for building a big business. But there are better ways to target people then just making a list of your friends and family. We will save these tips for a different article. I just wanted to point out the importance of working both.If your looking to create some additional income from home the first step should be learning how to generate leads for your business. Spending money on products just to qualify for a pay plan is crazy, if you have nobody to share the business with. Studies have shown, if you do not begin to at least break even within 90 days your done.If your happy with your company then do yourself a favor and only order the products you and your family can use. Stay within your budget. Your first year in network marketing will be a lot better then quitting after a few short months. I wish more people would not be so greedy and teach this to all of their prospects instead of chasing that quick buck.
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