
Network Marketing Leads - SEO Lead Generation Using YouTube Traffic Secrets

With so many SEO lead generation systems in today's market place, how do you go about finding one highly effective traffic source that has proven the test of time. It is so easy to get distracted by all the bells and whistles of the latest network marketing lead systems. And the next thing you know, you find yourselfbombarded by so much information about marketing systems that causes your head to spin from information overload. No wonder there is so much failure in the network marketing industry. I am going to cut to the chase to show you some proven systems that you can use right away to get you off to a fast start in MLM lead generation domination.YouTube Marketing For Prospects Who Do Not Like Reading TextBesides using the search engines to look for information relating to their problems, most of your potential prospects also search YouTube to look for entertaining content in a video format that will address their issue right away. You have heard the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Actually a video is worth a thousand words. Even for those who are not technology savvy, uploading a YouTube video is as easy as copying and pasting code. In this example, SEO lead generation is incredibly easy.Most cameras have a built-in feature that allows you to upload your live video recordings onto YouTube easily. If you are technically challenged and do not want to figure everything out by yourself, you can find a teenager who can help you easily.Product Infomercials Is A Billion Dollar Industry - You Have The Power To Create Your Own Personalized Infomercial On YouTubeIf you are promoting a network marketing product, doing a video presentation of the product is crucial in order to brand yourself very effectively. Just think of YouTube marketing as your 5 to 10 minute infomercial that conveys the real benefits of your product to your visitors.There are savvy marketers who have already created a professional video presentation of their product and their industry just by simply modeling the success of other infomercials without having to re-invent the wheel. Just like the same way internet marketers use their competition's sales letters as a template for creating their own sales letters, this same approach can easily apply to YouTube video as well.If you are doing any kind of article marketing, you can easily take your text content and convert it into a Power Point presentation via YouTube where you can get tons of traffic to your website really easily.Fact: Network Marketing Lead Generation Is A Constant Game of Split TestingYou have probably heard of a lot of success stories about people who have generated tons of leads through the power of video. One thing for sure is not to put all your eggs in one basket. A combination of article marketing and video marketing will compliment each other.For example, not too long ago, I saw a YouTube video of one MLM newbie who had video-taped his first network marketing paycheck. Seeing is believing. In this approach, article marketing would not be effective in establishing credibility in the residual income potential of a particular network marketing opportunity. So hopefully by now, you already see the power of YouTube video.

