6 Pitfalls That Limit Your Incomes in Network Marketing
Too many people are getting frustrated with their incomes in Network Marketing and they are struggling to build their businesses. I will go over 6 areas most will limit their incomes.Pitfall 1: Sending your package information to cold leadsThis is one that will drain your bank account, when you are getting these leads and that do not care or have any idea what your business is. These are the worst leads, because they were harvested and sold and resold to many people, and they do not have the same passion for the company and product you do. Let me ask you a question, how easy is it for you to just buy something someone blasts you with information? Now, if we all bought something from everyone that had something to sell, we all would be poor and we would not have what we need when we need it.Pitfall 2: Selling to your warm market.These are everyone you know or know of you. Now, here is where the pitfall lies. Do you want to buy things from everyone you know and knows of you? Of course not. There are some things that are not appropriate. However, not to bash your upline trainers, you can not build a business on just friends and family and if friends and family say it is not for them, respect that. How would you like them to expect you to be in everything they are involved in? You would not. You do not have all the same hobbies, likes or desires.Pitfall 3: Hitting up the same people with multiple offers.Now, you need to create targets. Do not sell everything you have to everyone. How would you like it if you were sold a flower by a florist and they sold you fertilizer, seeds, dirt, mulch, stones, garden hose, bird baths, etc. You JUST WANTED A FLOWER. Yes, a customer may want more things, let them tell you. They may have more than one need. You should only include one offer per campaign. I know some network marketing companies have thousands of products. If they respond to multiple campaigns, you can keep them separate. If you would send me an offer to buy one thing that i wanted and you told me about 10 other things, I look that as you are desperate in your business and you only have me.Pitfall 4: Not following up with your prospects.Come on, this is lazy. Network marketing is about building relationships. You can not build it with emails, websites and social media content alone. If I am told about a product I need and I get information from 2 different people in two different companies, one person calls me and makes me feel important, that is the person I will do business with.Pitfall 5: Not Spending time and money on educations!I know I have covered this in many articles. If you do not take pride in yourself and your education, who will want to work with you? This is one thing I knew when I was in the corporate world. The best benefit that any company can give is education. No one can take it away from you. You can get benefits on education through most governments, so as a business owner, do not short cut this.Pitfall 6: Don't be LazyI will say most of us are all lazier than we really need to be, and I will have to admit, I am too. However, if you want to be part of a big business, you can't be! There will be someone out there that is willing to do just a little more than you do. Now, we are all taught that Network Marketing is suppose to save us time. Now, this is true, you can compact time, but you can not do that too soon in your business. I recommend you not to do that until you are making the money that you want.The cure for pitfalls 1 and 2, is talk to your hot market. These are people who are coming to you asking you for information. Do not sit on your butt, there are ways to get people to come to you and you better be doing it. Your business will quickly die if you are not pursuing customers that want what you have. Education is key, so remember, invest in yourself. Do not be lazy and do what ever it takes to win business in your business.
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