
Do You Want to Narc That Car?

Narc That Car... Interesting. Reminds me of something when I was a kid. Oh man.. You don't want to be a narc! Well now the tables have turned a little bit. Now you can get paid to be a narc. How's that sound? Well before you get too excited, let's examine this company a little closer.About 2 years old, Narc That Car has a GREAT idea. Sell information! Guess what... That's what people are buying right now. But the average person is not who Narc That Car is attracting to the client side of the business. They want government agencies, repo companies, banks, and any collateral holder really. Why do they want them? Because they will pay big bucks to make it easier to track down their property.Let me give you a little scenario - Little Timmy buys a car before he leaves for college. Little Timmy goes off to college and starts doing the college thing. He goes to school, parties, and oops.. forgets to pay his bills. So now, the bank wants little Timmy's car back. So the bank does what they call skip tracing and it brings up all kinds of addresses that they send to the repo agents. Little Timmy's parents house will be the first place visited. But.. guess what..? He's not there. So now what? Do you think little Timmy's parents will give up the location of his car.. NO! So I guess the bank is just out of luck and they have to wait until he comes home.Not anymore! Now the bank just plugs in little Timmy's license plate number into the Narc That Car system and they can see that it's been spotted 3 times. The bank pays $99.00 for the locations and BAM.. they have little Timmy's car. How simple is that!Now for the best part! Narc That Car needs people to go out and get the locations of the license plates. And they want to pay YOU! Here's the deal. They will pay you for 10 license plates per month. That's it. Kind of sucks right? Because they are only going to pay you like $5.00 for those. Nobody is going to get rich making that kind of money! So what do you have to do? RECRUIT. You need to get tons of people in your downline because they are going to pay you for their work too! Can you believe that! They will actually pay you, to get other people to do the same thing you are doing!So now you go out and you get some people in your family to do it, you get a couple friends in, but.. you still aren't making the kind of money you thought you would. Now what? You ran out of people to talk to!You need to take your business to the internet and recruit some of those wonderful people. Do you know that Facebook alone has over 300 MILLION subscribers. Can you imagine if you got only.05% of them into your business! Crazy numbers, and crazy money!

