Network Marketing Success - How to Overcome the Number One Enemy in Network Marketing
Network marketing sells dreams. Is that good or bad? It is both. The good is that there are lots and lots of network marketers who realize their dreams. The bad is that there are lots and lots of network marketers who never realize anything but being broke. Why? What separates those who succeed and those who fail?The answer: Those who succeed understand the enemies and those who do not are clueless.The Number One Enemy: The Valley of ObjectionsYou have just signed up with the greatest company in the world and you are ready to build your success dynasty and realize your dreams. You are so excited because you believe everyone you talk with is going to see the same amazing opportunity as you saw. Wrong!You must help your prospects overcome their fear of the unknown and to get them to overcome their fear, you must walk with them safely through the number one enemy of network marketing - the valley of objections.Get ready to battle the valley of objections. Before you go to battle, you must be trained. You must learn everything you can about your enemy. In order for you to survive and realize your dreams, you must help your prospects understand they can realize their dreams, but you must first have a strategy to walk them safely through the valley of objections!Training on how to handle objections is in two steps:1. Study from the best. Attend seminars and webinars and read books of those who are successful network marketers. This is what I call the easy phase so do not get stuck here. You cannot be successful until you move to step two.2. If you want to learn how to do anything well, practice doing it! This is the most difficult step because of two other enemies: fear and procrastination. But practice is the key to overcoming those two enemies as well.It is time for you to quit reading this article and start studying from the best and then practice, practice, practice so you will easily sail through the valley of objections.
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