Network Marketing Tips - Difference Between Traditional and Internet Network Marketing
In this article I will give you network marketing tips on what is the different between traditional network marketing and internet network marketing. The main difference is the method used in recruiting or sponsoring. Traditional method relies mostly on one-on-one prospecting (like at a McDonalds or Starbucks), home party, opportunity meetings or rallies.Normally your up line will ask you to list out all your families' member, friend, relatives and set an appointment or invite them to attend hotel seminar. Than your up line again ask you to ask your families' member, friend and relatives to give name of their contact and ask you to contact all of them for an appointment or hotel meeting.Does this method work? Yes it works but it's a very tough task and not many people are willing to do it.On the other hand, Internet network marketing does the recruiting through e-mail, newsletter, forums, websites and sales letters. This minimizes the human interaction part and may be more suitable for those who are not very good at talking to others.Basically what you need to do is create a squeeze page and offering something good that makes visitor willing to give his/her name and email address. After get his/her email address, you start following up by sending an email periodically. This email is basically to build relation with subscribes and not simply asking them to purchase or join your business yet. The delivery of email can be automating using auto responder service.Does this method work? Yes it is and it's a one time job. The best part is your web page is available 24 hours a day and available for the whole world. So when people visit your website they will read your message and give you their name and email without you have to force them like traditional method.So this is the network marketing tips that use by many gurus. For more tips, visit my site at http://networkmarketingsurvivalguides.com.
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