
Traffic - What is It, and How Important is it to the Network Marketer?

Much like a scientist who modifies a specific gene in bacteria to give the bacteria a new identity and a new purpose, so has the "internet world" done with the word traffic. Traffic has a meaning, to the non-internet person, and a completely different meaning to the MLM world. This article will explain the difference, and why it's important to network marketers.History:Traffic is one of those words that modern computer people have "borrowed" from the traditional English vocabulary, and slightly modified its usage to fit "their situation". Webster's English Language dictionary defines traffic as "the aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time".Most of us have been on the highway when it was very crowded, and we referred to this as traffic. One would say the worse the congestion, the "heaver" the traffic, and when everything comes to a complete stop, we refer to is as a "traffic jam". The connotation of traffic, in our everyday lives, leaves us with very unpleasant thoughts.Most people who drive professionally (truck drivers, Taxi drivers, etc) will tell you that traffic is a "plague" that costs them money, and should be avoided whenever possible.The Internet:Now along comes the internet, and those MLM people just love to turn things around. Just look at what they have done to that "ugly" word traffic. They modified its meaning slightly, defining traffic as the "congestion" of people on the internet highway, all flocking to a web site at the same time. They have used the same "root" explanation of the word, and created a whole different picture. To the truck driver the picture is terrible, but to the network marketer it's one of the most beautiful pictures on earth!As a business person, customers are the "life's blood" of your business. If you had a retail establishment, you would want people walking through your door. As a MLM professional, those people visiting your web site are your customers. Your goal, as a successful network marketer, is to have lost of "congestion" on you web site every minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.In Conclusion:The local truck driver views "traffic" as a "disease" that costs him money every time he is infected with it. As a network marketer you welcome that "beautiful little bug" into your life, as it means money in your pocket, and hope it "infects you" for years to come.

