
Ways to Build an Optimal Capture Page

I have spent a few hours straight and paid top dollar with a guru to learn, one- on-one the secrets to creating the most unique capture pages. I want to teach you the internet marketing secrets on how to make an optimal capture page in less then a half hour. There are some key concepts I want to explain before we get into the real meat of creating the capture or squeeze page.First, you need to get into the minds of your prospects. Did you know you have less than five seconds to receive the attention of your prospects as soon as they land on your page? Keep in mind that's even if they make it past your ad. Nearly, ninety-nine percent of people using AdWords think their ads do all the work for them. This concept is completely false.Once people land on your capture page some things to consider read as follows. Your header or title of your page needs to be compelling. It may ask a question, it needs to be conversational, and or it may even arouse curiosity. It may read, "look, I am about to show you a total ground floor opportunity that will put a life-time of residual income into your pockets like a field of your very own personal oil wells." This example is something that adds excitement, curiosity, and gives the prospect a personal feeling of joy so to speak. Every single sentence must make the reader want to read the following sentence and so on.A capture page is created to capture the prospect. The page needs to be short to the point. Point out any benefits and description of these benefits. Maybe you listed five or more and you feel you don't want the prospect to get bored with just reading everything. If so, add an audio pitch to your page which would talk first about yourself and who you are, and then about the offer you are presenting to them. Something else that works just as good or better is to create a short video again about yourself and about your offer. People love to see who's behind the opportunity; they love to match a name with a face.Lastly, you must always have a form at the bottom for your prospects to fill out their name and email address to receive more information about your offer. It is imperative that above your opt-in form you explain to that they must fill out their information to learn more secrets or benefits they will gain after opting in. I personally like to include a phone number box under the email so if need be I could contact this person and speak with them on a more personal level. In summary, your capture page should be exciting and offer benefits to the prospects looking at it. Maybe offer something free if they simply fill out the form at the bottom. Have fun creating your page. It should never be a task, it should always be something you enjoy doing.

