
When You Have the Urge, Throw Up and Never Throw Down

Perhaps you have been involved with your network marketing business for months (or years) and have little to show for it. As a result you are on the fence about quitting the business and writing off the money spent as a costly learning experience. Let's face it the only reason why you stuck it out this long is because you had hoped that it would be different next month, next week or tomorrow.Miraculously a network marketing superstar would find you and practically beg to get on your team.Then you woke up and realized that it was all a dream. There was no superstar waiting in the wings to jump into your business, just a bunch of your team members having a worse morale than you. All are either on the fence about quitting or have mentally quit your network marketing team.Instead of simply (and I use "simply" knowing that it is far from simple) replacing your network marketing company OR replacing your team, it is more important that you make the attempt to revitalize yourself and your organization. Is it going to be s snap turning quitting attitudes around? Can't you pick-up one of those Staples' "Easy" buttons and have everything and everyone be motivated once again?Sorry, it doesn't work that way.You have probably heard the expression "when a fish stinks, it stinks from the head". Similarly when your team is suffering from possessing a bad morale, it probably started with you. Perhaps you made a negative comment about your company's product. Or about the compensation plan. Or, worse yet, about your "no nothing" upline. And, you probably made this comment to someone on your team which unbeknownst to you injected/infected your team with a sense of doubt over whether or not they can be successful if you, their upline, were erupting negativity as forceful as Mt. St. Helens.Doing network marketing trainings over the years, I have often said: throw up don't throw down. Meaning, if you get negative consult with your upline (throw your negative comment upline) and NEVER share any negative thoughts or feelings you may be experiencing (throw downs) with your downline.It is far more difficult, if not impossible, to cure a team that has been injected with cancerous thoughts by its leader. As a leader building a growing, healthy organization it is your responsibility to keep your team members motivated and focused on succeeding with a constant fertilization of positive goals, praise and affirmations.

