How Am I Supposed to Build My Network Marketing Business If I Cannot Advertise?
Well, I want to put network marketers at ease. The reason most companies put it in their policy and procedures is that they do not want someone tarnishing their names with inaccurate advertising. I was just in a conversation with a gentleman in a company and they were told by their company that you could not contact cold market. Now, in theory, I will take and say that what they don't want someone going out their and blasting to the world with spam messaging or emails to become part of the company. Now, that would get people upset at the company, and they really do not know enough about the company except someone was blasting info on it, and it ticked people off that did not care about the company.Now, let us say your name is Joe Smith, and you were screaming I am Joe Smith and you love the color blue and all the homes should be painted blue in Chicago. Now, many people would think that you need to be committed to a mental hospital. Now, maybe you also scream that you love Glidden paint. Now, the people hearing you may think you are with Glidden. Now, some gangs in Chicago hear this, and they start to paint homes in Chicago blue in the middle of the night. I would imagine that it would hit the news, and the news media would want to talk to Glidden to find out who this guy from their company was, and why Glidden started painting homes of those who did not want it, painted them blue? What if someone decided to sue Glidden? Now, this could be real bad press, and Glidden would have to defend their name. Does this mean Glidden has a bad product? No!This is exactly what the companies fear in the policies and procedures, not that you will paint peoples homes blue, but they have to care about what you do and say. It is their reputation, not yours. Now, Joe could be a painter, and he was trying to boost his business because Glidden had the best paint. But who had to defend themselves. Now, magnify this to the number of representatives in your networking company. One bad apple in a basket, can spoil the whole basket. Now, it your in the same company, do you want to be responsible to what all the others do? Of course not. When you became a distributor, you have become an independent distributor or business providing products to your customers. Who are your customers getting the product from? Your business and no one else. What happens if you are marketing products and you find a better supplier? Will you say you are with company ABC now, instead of XYZ? No. You are still your own business. Just like Walmart, they distribute many companies products, but when you are a customer, who are you a customer of? You are a customer of Walmart.So, can you advertise you? Yes. Can you advertise the benefits of the products you sell? Yes. Can you use the company name? NO! Can you use your business name? Yes! This is one of the biggest secret tools that most networkers do not get, is the tool of positioning. You need to position your business and provide to your customers the benefits that they get by coming through you. If you do excellent business, people will be attracted to you. If you do bad business, yes the people will come after you.Now, beyond positioning you need to know how to position yourself with the products. I could go into several articles on this, but sometimes, it is better to be trained and an education on how to build a business. Their are many people out there that can help you, find someone that you seem to understand and get with that person.
2 Vital Keys to Success in Any Work From Home Business
There are as many reasons why people would like to work from home as there are products that will allow you to live in this blissful state. But can it be done? Is there a way to find a product or opportunity that will not only allow us to replace our annual income but also make our kids proud of our new line of work. Let's look at two ways that will put you in the right mindset to ensure your success whatever level that may be.Before you even begin to think about a work from home, project you must ask yourself the simple questions of, what am I interested in? How much money would I like to make? As an internet marketing coach I feel there is a huge misconception in the work from home industry. People tend to think that work from home projects are a cookie cutter, one size fits all industry, this simply is not true. Whether you believe it or not, work from home is never one size fits all. You must understand what it is you are looking for, before you start any form of business, especially a business on the internet.So first let's look at what are your interests. Without much research I believe you will find that the people that are successful at any form of business have an interest in the industry they are in. In my opinion you should not look for the best opportunity but the opportunity that fits you the best. What is meant by this? Whether you know this or not there are hundreds of work from home business out there fighting for your business so therefore you are in the driver's seat and not the people that are trying to sell to you. So take your time, learn about the product or service that you are looking at promoting and ask yourself, could I see myself promoting this product or service? If you find a business that you feel could bring you the lifestyle that you have always dreamed of yet you have no real interest in the product, you must know now, even with all the help in the world or how easy it sounds to sell you will never, and I repeat never be successful. In order to make a business work, you must have some level of interest in the product or service. For the simple reason if you are only in it to make money, your future customers will smell this a country mile away and will never buy off someone that is only selling to make a fast buck. Ask yourself, would you?The second point you must look at is how much would you like to make? This is a key question to ask for the simple reason how much exposure is needed to reach your financial goals. Let's say for interest sake you are simply looking to make an extra hundred dollars a month. If this is the case you will not need a lot of exposure to do so. You will be able to reach a minimal number of people and only sell a modest amount of products. The huge challenge in any work from home business is exposure. Let me explain, you see in order to have hundreds if not thousands of orders you must first be able to get your product in front of as many people.This not only takes education to learn how to obtain this invaluable art but in times it also takes time and money. In order to not only reach thousands of people but also service them, you must have certain software to aid you in the amount of correspondence that is needed to show that you have the credibility to compete in this industry. There is no good in having customers if you cannot give them what they want, and this simply cannot be done with you alone. So let's say you would like to replace your annual income and this is something you would like to do as your full time job. That is great, and it can be done, I see people do it all the time. But understand that there is no luck in it whatsoever. These people have taken the time to educate themselves like any good business person. They have found a niche that they feel that there is a need for, but more importantly they understand how the industry works and they arm themselves accordingly. As an internet marketing coach this is one of the first things I talk about with my clients. We not only find what products they are interested in but more importantly how far they would like to take their business. From there I can offer them the appropriate education to get them there.The amazing fact of internet marketing is that you get to make this choice. You get to choose how big you would like to make your business. The fact is you can deal locally if you choose or you can blanket the plant with your product.Understanding an industry is ten times more powerful than simply having the tools to do so. I encourage anyone looking at work from home projects to ask themselves these very simple two questions before entering any work from home project. I think you will find that this little bit of a soul search that will put your new business on the right tracks right from the word go.
Please Review Business Opportunities With an Open Mind
TRUTH is easily recognized by anyone who is searching for it when they use an open mind to view it. A closed mind causes many of us to miss out on some of life's biggest opportunities and occasions. Do not argue and dispute the facts or continue to amend the facts hoping to be able to support your beliefs. A question one should ask is...why do we willingly reject this information? Is this really being logical, or is it simply allowing emotions to cloud our reasoning?The most common mistake made is trying to convince yourself to concede to a false truth. It is inappropriate to try to fool others, but when you kid yourself, misfortune is sure to follow. When you open your mind to the opportunities, objectively digest information and brush aside your personal partialities and assumptions to influence your belief, you will be able to perceive great truths that have been overlooked by others.Here are some important facts to review:1. 55,000 people PER WEEK search for and join an online income opportunity2. 97% Fail to create income from home3. 97% Fail to get the support or training they need4. Buying Leads, making a list and attacking friends and family - DOES NOT WORK5. Pitching your deal does not WORK!Far too many people join network marketing opportunities and offers each and every day without doing any due diligence and research of the opportunity, company management team or the company. They join with out ever reading the policies and procedures of the business opportunity and never bother to investigate just how hard they REALLY have to work to make a residual walk away income of $10,000.00 a month. This document is known as your compensation plan.Let me share with you an opportunity, which if viewed with an open mind could be the best thing that ever happened to your network marketing business. A mentor WITHOUT an agenda, who has training and expertise to take an unbiased look at your company, can help you understand your policies and procedures and also help you understand your compensation plan.Search for a community of volunteers who believe in the value of education, personal development, and in sharing what does or does not work in the network marketing industry. The purpose of the Mentoring for Free organization is to help anyone in any company succeed in Network Marketing by providing education, coaching, mentoring, and support within a mastermind environment. The Go-Giver philosophy, written by Bob Burg, is at the heart of Mentoring for Free does every day. Mentoring for Free believes in mentoring YOU to success.Open your mind to the opportunity that such a mastermind community can offer. Objectively digest the information, training and skills. Brush aside your personal partialities and assumptions that may be influencing your belief right now. You will be able to perceive great truths that have been overlooked by others. Do not overlook an orchid while searching for a rose. TRUTH is easily recognized by anyone who is searching for it, when they use an open mind to view it.To Your Success
45 Seconds to Freedom
So, you're in a network marketing company. Now what?Right, it's time to use that memory jogger list that came in your new marketer network marketing training kit. Don't forget the drunk plumber who messed up your sewer back in '81 when you lived in St. Louis. You now live in LA. I am sure he'll remember you. Unless he is in the state hospital with a wet brain. Anyway, go ahead and make that list of 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000 people. Make sure to list every person you know, have ever met or wanted to meet. Living, dead or yet to be born. This part of the process should take you about 2 hours, according to your up line.OK, got your list done? Did you remember your 1st grade teacher? Just checking. Now it's time to work the phone. Yep, dialing for dollars. Smile and dial. Ready, set, go! Or is it ready, fire, aim? C'mon now, you've been staring at the phone for an hour already. Damn thing won't dial by itself. Must be a technical issue. Better check the warranty. Oh, you don't have a phone that dials itself? Imagine, it's 2010 and they still haven't come up with a phone that dials itself and that will do your presentation for you?Presentation? What presentation? Oh right,the one my up line didn't show me in their non existent network marketing training. Right after they told me all I have to do is invite everyone I breathe on to a "Business Presentation" being put on by a group of "Millionaire Masterminds" who are "associates" of yours. Yeah, that presentation. Well, it's been two weeks now, you talked to one friend that you ran into at the local watering hole on a Monday night ( had to watch football, right? I mean, you can start this MLM business thing tomorrow. Or better yet, next week after you've studied up some more and rested up a bit. Yeah, that's the plan.You mention to your friend at halftime that your "associates", who are "Millionaire Masterminds" are having an "opportunity" meeting next Saturday at the local Motel 6 and live bait shop. The first thing out of his mouth, after an hour and a half of tequila, beer and cursing out his hometown team because they are getting their butts' kicked is, what is it about?"Is it MLM or Network Marketing? Cause if it is, I ain't interested. My wife's' cousins' ex brother in laws' 3rd cousin by marriage was in one of those scams. Didn't make any money. All he ended up with was 50 boxes of soap in his garage."So you now decide that MLM / Network Marketing is a scam, a ripoff the likes of which makes Bernie Madoff look like a philanthropist. Your first mistake was trying to sponsor someone in a bar. What does that tell you about that persons' motivations and desires? Think he has any? And while we're on the subject, if you have a business to run, what were you doing there? I'm not judging, trust me I have spent a lot of time in bars, more than I care to admit. Haven't set foot in one in almost ten years now, but that's another story. The point is that looking for business in a bar ain't gonna get it done. Trust me, I tried it for years, it doesn't work.Did you ever ask your friend if he was even remotely interested not in the business opportunity, but in what financial independence could do for or bring him? Something such as: "John, have you ever thought of what it would be like to own your life?"What would you do if you were asked that question? Think about it, he would probably ask, "What do you mean?"If someone does answer that question in the negative, guess what? In about 45 seconds, you've qualified this person and found out that he is not a person that will most likely be successful in your business. This is what I mean when I say 45 seconds to freedom. Why invite him to an opportunity meeting of 2-3 hours, only to have him tell you what he just told you in 45 seconds? What did he tell with his answer? Simply, that he is not a person that you want to work with. It's called qualifying. Instead of wasting 2-3 hours of your valuable time, you're into this thing about 45 seconds, and that's if you speak slowly. And if you ask enough people a 45 second qualifying question, YOU WILL find people that are worth working with. And you will, in 45 second increments, reach financial freedom.See the difference?
Inexpensive Ways to Start an International Network Marketing and Internet Marketing Business
There are inexpensive ways to start a Network marketing and Internet marketing business. Here is how you can start an inexpensive business.First it is important you have products you can be proud of promoting to others. And then it is smart to have products you like to use yourself. If you are running an Internet Marketing business it is a good idea to sell products you need to use in your marketing; education and tools. This is products you will have to purchase anyway so why not make money from it.An internet and network marketing education program can be a good thing to choose as your first company / business.You should choose a program with affiliate products where you learn Internet Marketing, and which you can sell to others and make money. Some will probably be for free and some you might have to pay for. You should be able to choose if and when you want to buy products. Those who buy from you will get the same opportunity to sell the products.In some programs you also get the opportunity to have your primary business programs in there. So if you have an MLM or another business or want to start one, look if they offer you this. But it's not necessary. You can make it without this when you learn how to market.You should look for customizable web pages and marketing tools to build any business. This is very smart for both those who are new to internet marketing businesses, but also for more experience Internet Marketers as they can save much time.If there is a generic training system you can sell it to people in any business and to your downline as well. This will free you from much of the follow up, though never skip it all. It is important to stay in touch with your list and downline.You will need an auto responder which costs you about $20 a month. You can get it for free, but that is not a good choice if you can afford to pay $20 dollar a month.Your monthly expenses doesn't have to be more than about 100$, and a one time payment from about $40 to $100. This is a very inexpensive way to start a business. Is only on the internet you can find it. And you can make much more money than your can make in a traditional real estate business.This inexpensive way of starting an Internet Marketing business is not the easiest. You will have to count on the fact that it can take time to make money. However, if you are on a tight budget with no knowledge about Internet Marketing, but a huge desire to build your own business online, and take the time to learn the skills, this is one way I really believe you can succeed. And there really is a lot of people who make money in short time when they implement what they learn in these education and training programs.What is important is that you invest most of the money you make in the beginning into your marketing, to grow your business.Signing into one program after another trying your luck, is no way to go. The truth is, internet marketing is no money doubling scheme or some sort of magic. You might even lose money in the beginning, like any other enterprise. Take the time to learn the skills you HAVE to learn, focus and take action. That is the way every marketer have succeeded till this day.
Online Network Marketing - Attraction Marketing
Attraction marketing for your online network marketing business has been around for several years. In traditional business attraction marketing has been around forever - they call it marketing, or direct response marketing. The reason why online network marketers get all excited about attraction marketing is that they are used to confrontational promotion and in-your-face hype and aggressive selling. Unfortunately, so much information on the internet does not pass the common sense or 'sniff' test. Everyone looking for any information online should be extremely skeptical about anything they see on the internet. And this is where marketing (or attraction marketing) will work its magic for you.Attraction MarketingExactly what is attraction marketing. Attraction marketing is where you actually have people start contacting you. The people in your target market are reading your message and finding you. At first it may be by accident. They may find an article on one of the article directories, or a blog post, or maybe a video on YouTube. They may have come across your profile on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.Something that you have posted online has struck a chord with them. If you have done your homework, then you will know the needs and concerns of your target market. They will see your words of wisdom as filling a need and come looking for more. And because you are skilled at leaving clues and a trail for them to get tangled up in your brilliance, they will opt-in to your site to make sure they continue to receive your pearls of wisdom.The Golden RuleWhat do you need to do to separate yourself from the crowd? What makes you different from everyone else marketing their wares on the web? I believe it is important to treat others like you would like to be treated. Most people can sense when the people they meet are sincere, or just feeding them a line to try and sell them something. Think about your own situation. Can you tell when someone genuinely cares about what you want, or if they are just trying to move some product?How can you provide value to your target market? Will what you have to offer make their life better? The truly brilliant marketers will give out 'samples'. This is better than a money back guarantee. By providing free information (in exchange for a name and email), you are encouraging your target market to get to know you, like you, and trust you. And it generally takes several interactions for your prospect to reach the point where they are comfortable with you. You have treated them well, provided valuable information, and possibly helped solve some problems for them.Riches in NichesOne of the challenges we have in online network marketing is zeroing in on our target. And this is a challenge for any business owner - who do we want to attract as our ideal prospect? A common mistake is to try to be everything to everybody. Ask yourself, "Who do I have the perfect solution for? Who would be my ideal customer?" If you are marketing a weight loss product, would it make sense to narrow your focus to just men or just women? If you decided on women, would it make sense to specialize in helping new moms shape up or would you prefer to focus on baby boomer women and helping them face issues unique to them.In this example, can you see how the marketing message would be very different depending on who you are targeting? The further you drill down, the better the connection will be. Once you have your niche narrowed down, it becomes much easier to fine tune the message. You can research the specific issues and concerns that your niche is facing. You can build your story to identify with and help your new customers. Show them that you understand what they are going through and that you can help them. The challenge is in identifying a niche that is consistent with your values and passion; and the reward is sharing yourself and your business with your new best customers.
Finding the Best Home Based Business That's Just Right For You
For many years now I have always had a dream of having my own home based business. The whole idea of working from home, being my own boss really appealed to me. I always visualized the whole concept of being able to leave my full time job behind and actually being able to make a lucrative six figure income from the comfort of my own home.It was about three years ago when I really got serious about pursuing my dream of becoming a home based business owner, and so my search was on for just the right opportunity. Now being the way the law of attraction works I had my mind set on finding the right business opportunity,well all the opportunities started finding me. I came across business that were scams of course, but I also came across a lot more that were legit and potentially good money makers. The thing was choosing the one that was right for me.Now I can honestly say that over the past few years I have attempted maybe four or five home based businesses. And how many of these have I been successful at? None. Now I have had all the motivation and all the desire in the world. But the problem was quite simple I just did not like or more important I did not enjoy what I was doing. I had to do things like chasing down family and friends, inviting these same family and friends over to my house, under a false pretense. After feeding them I would then gather them around for a big sales presentation. I really didn't like doing this, but Hey I was trying to make money. Later it seemed like all my family and friends were avoiding me.Then I got myself involved in a business opportunity that promised to be very lucrative, but it involved Cold Calling potential costumers. I hated this even more than chasing down family and friends. I remember dialing the number and hoping the person wouldn't answer the phone. I was actually giving myself all kinds of dumb excuses why I couldn't sit down, get on the phone and work my business. So the point I'm trying to make with all of this is the reason I failed at these businesses, is i just didn't like what I was doing.Now to the present. I can happily tell you that now I am now a successful home based business entrepreneur. What's different now than before? Enjoyment. I really enjoy what I am doing in my business. After discovering Online Marketing I have since developed a passion for my home based business. And I have come to realize when you have the and love of what you are doing, you can't help but be successful.It's all about leveraging the amazing power of the internet. This is by far the best method of attracting huge amounts of traffic to my business. And the unique part about marketing a business on the internet is it's always 24 hours a day seven days a week even Holidays. So I am attracting business even as I sleep. And basically that is the key to a truly successful business. Making money while you sleep.Alfred W Simkins 3rd
Internet Marketing
Do you Want to Be A Pro Or Not? I am an world-wide-web marketer. My name is Josh Nicholson and I started out marketing not that long ago. When I very first began advertising I acquired a bunch of ClickBank goods that showed me the way to market. All I need to say is GARBAGE! DO not go and invest in all these little solutions that claim to tell you how to industry correctly. What I've discovered is the fact that folks are just obtaining these products on ClickBank with the sole purpose of creating cash. Do you think they give a crap should you make it or not? Nope. Actually from what I have skilled they do not give you all the details you may need because they want you to purchase there next 'big' item well worth a million dollars.I went ahead and acquired some of those get rich fast solutions and observed that I was just burning a hole in my pocket buying things I was told to that only definitely experienced marketers should be placing funds into. Anyways I just wished to obtain the point throughout to actually shop all-around and watch what you buy. It took me several years of seeking and getting on the web to truly discover some good solutions to have into. I'm Extremely picky on what I invest my dollars on, a minimum of which is what I would like to imagine! I have placed most of my time and work into what I thought was likely to turn out excellent that had a fantastic group and item help on plenty of items. Obviously it failed like any individual would without the suitable mentoring and guidance that a single requires for being successful and pass the understanding curve that you have to in order to commence producing sales within your niche.I would like to let you know that you simply will not ought to have an net marketing degree and that internet advertising is in fact very uncomplicated. Extremely simple. All it's, is consistency and function ethic. You have to be committed and be dedicated or you may well as properly quit now. Have you ever noticed on the one particular in 10 rule? Only a person in 10 that are shopping to buy that cease at your internet site basically examine it with interest. They may put in there e-mail or contact you somehow then you have to convert them correct? It often ends up becoming 1 in 10, always. Even in the event you will not get a sale for two months with one hundred readers but all of a sudden you obtain ten revenue. It constantly ends up getting a person in ten and if it's not then maybe your not undertaking something correct together with your search engine optimization or your web page is so poor that persons are wishing they forgot it!Either way in case your going to be flourishing you will need mentoring. There's no other way close to it. What you imagine, your going to show yourself all 100 different ways to market? Even should you picked two or three how do you consider you're going to teach oneself? Is it possible to envision all of the trial and error you'd have to go through to discover the suitable path? Why not allow an individual prepare you tips on how to go the right way within the starting? Stop surfing all-around the net everyday telling your wife or husband that your going to be generating plenty of dollars soon, LOL. Which is what I have been performing! It took me a extended time to last but not least 'surrender'. I started out searching for someone to train me. I identified it and I now see the light! Are you currently trying to find the best way however? The ideal issue I can do is indicate you how I became flourishing at net advertising. You can last but not least begin calling it a enterprise and use a great group to information you anytime you receive stuck. I honestly cannot even describe what I've discovered I just want you to examine it out.
How to Evaluate a Part Time MLM Business
If you have been thinking about starting an MLM business the best place to start is to seek out someone who may already be involved in the industry you are considering. Don't get started in a business where you can't point to someone who isn't already successful.There are numerous MLM businesses out there that make a ton of promises, however most of them are not programmed for the average person to succeed. Through trial and error we know the number one reason why people drop out of MLM. Low commissions. The products and company we were marketing were excellent it was the very low odds of making any money in the early years.We weren't quitters in those early years and there were times it was difficult to stay focused, but the products worked so well we stayed in the business. After a few years we did finally start making a respectful income, however a lot of people we tried to help start up in the business soon quit because there just wasn't much money in the early going.Now we were with a very good company that made fabulous products, but we soon made another startling discovering about succeeding in the fickle world of an MLM business.You see we were selling products that although were beneficial to your health they just weren't something people needed everyday. What we found out (the hard way) was people didn't always order their products every month, some refused to be on an autoship program and there were times people just didn't have the extra money.It started to become a losing battle replacing customers just as fast as we were getting them. Now don't get me wrong we were doing our job, but we couldn't control the circumstances of all our customers. Again we had the right products, but not everyone saw a need to have them all the time.Even though the money was decent it wasn't always consistent. Once we discovered the missing link to being successful in MLM we never looked back.Based on our experience with our first MLM adventure we wanted to steer away from a company that marketed products that consumers didn't necessarily need. Instead we wanted to work with a company that sold a variety of products that people needed everyday.There are two simple keys to making in big in MLM:1.) Market and Endorse Products that People Use Everyday. 2.) Don't worry about the low commissions in the early going. You never make much money in the first few months of a new MLM. Seeing the bigger potential of the business is what's important.If you can accomplish these two small steps in starting your business then you can be assured of success. Remember this is a part time venture anyway so start slow and easy and develop a belief and knowledge of your product line. Product knowledge is without a doubt the key to your success so learn your products frontwards and backwards.
The Importance of Time Management
This morning, I was taking my cat, Sassy, to the groomer. This is not a pleasant task as she earns her name daily but especially when riding in the car, she wails constantly! So the minutes seem like hours. While I was stopped at a red light, it seemed like that light would never turn green! I don't recall it being so long. Although I wasn't actually running late, I was anxious to get the trip over with so it felt like I was running late.Have you ever noticed that when you are "running late":
Every light turns red
Someone in front of you drives below the speed limit
You get behind a school bus
There is an accident ahead
You realize you are nearly out of gasIt seems like the whole world is rallied against you. Why does this happen? It is simply the Law of Attraction! You are focused on being late! Next time, try repeating over and over "No worries, I am right on time." Or, you could learn to manage your time better so you never feel like you are running late!I am one of those people who hates to be late. But there are people in this world who are ALWAYS late. Have you ever heard the saying, "she is going to be late for her own funeral?" It is simply a matter of time management.What is important for effective time management?
Plan the entire day as much as possible
Focus on when you need to start something, not when you need to end
Contingency planning
Recognize and eliminate time wasters
Handle each item only once if possible
Eliminate clutter and be organizedYou need to know each day what your priorities are so you make sure the most important things get done. My main priority today is getting my cat groomed (since I have an appointment) and everything else needs to work around that. My second priority is getting a workout in. My third is writing articles so I can be a finisher in the contest I am in. My fourth is getting laundry done.Once you know your priorities you need to plan your day. You will not necessarily do your priority 1 item first because that might not be efficient or it might not even work. I did not need to be at the groomer's office until 8-8:15, so I got a workout and breakfast in before that. When you plan the entire day, you can save time by recognizing how to group activities together. For example, my hairdresser and my wholesale club are both about 12 miles away. Why go to BJs at 9 AM when they first open if I have a hair appointment at 11:30?Don't forget to allow time for the things you do every day that seem mundane. How often do you hear people say that they never eat breakfast, or they don't exercise, because they don't have time? Everyone has the same amount of time each day! It is simply a matter of priorities and time management.One thing some people do, is they keep in their head the time they need to arrive. The time you need to be on your way is what counts. You have to work backwards, allow for different traffic patterns like rush hour and school bus times, and add in a fudge factor. Of course sometimes, something like an accident will still make you late but you would be even later without proper planning! I almost was running late today for that very reason. I had 8:15 on my mind instead of 7:45. I realized this and decided not to put on makeup. I did not think it was important to the people at the groomer's office. Breakfast was more important to me at the time!What are time wasters? Anything that does not add value to your day in some way. One big time waster I eliminated was reading junk email. I was thinking there might be something important in there, but finally realized it was just a time waster! Another one was reading magazines; I get more value from self development books. Just start looking at each activity with a critical eye and ask what you get out of it.One time waster is handling things more than once. This has always been taught relative to paper but it applies just as much to electronic messages. Learn to recognize what can be deleted or thrown away immediately, what you can read and then discard, and what needs to be filed away for later reference.Finally, clutter is a HUGE time waster and not just for the obvious reason. Of course it will take longer to find what you need if you are digging through clutter. But there is also a mental factor at work. When you see clutter, or even if you just know where it is (like the basement, the garage) it tends to fluster you. You feel like you are not on top of things, like things are getting away from you. And that drains your energy! Eliminating time wasters will give you more time to get organized. If you have LOTS of clutter, make it a priority to set aside the time to get rid of it, even if it's a little bit at a time. Handling items only once will help you keep clutter under control. There is no substitute for good filing systems, both paper and online!Now I just need to get back to the groomer at 1 PM and make my 3 PM conference call. Got it under control!
Every light turns red
Someone in front of you drives below the speed limit
You get behind a school bus
There is an accident ahead
You realize you are nearly out of gasIt seems like the whole world is rallied against you. Why does this happen? It is simply the Law of Attraction! You are focused on being late! Next time, try repeating over and over "No worries, I am right on time." Or, you could learn to manage your time better so you never feel like you are running late!I am one of those people who hates to be late. But there are people in this world who are ALWAYS late. Have you ever heard the saying, "she is going to be late for her own funeral?" It is simply a matter of time management.What is important for effective time management?
Plan the entire day as much as possible
Focus on when you need to start something, not when you need to end
Contingency planning
Recognize and eliminate time wasters
Handle each item only once if possible
Eliminate clutter and be organizedYou need to know each day what your priorities are so you make sure the most important things get done. My main priority today is getting my cat groomed (since I have an appointment) and everything else needs to work around that. My second priority is getting a workout in. My third is writing articles so I can be a finisher in the contest I am in. My fourth is getting laundry done.Once you know your priorities you need to plan your day. You will not necessarily do your priority 1 item first because that might not be efficient or it might not even work. I did not need to be at the groomer's office until 8-8:15, so I got a workout and breakfast in before that. When you plan the entire day, you can save time by recognizing how to group activities together. For example, my hairdresser and my wholesale club are both about 12 miles away. Why go to BJs at 9 AM when they first open if I have a hair appointment at 11:30?Don't forget to allow time for the things you do every day that seem mundane. How often do you hear people say that they never eat breakfast, or they don't exercise, because they don't have time? Everyone has the same amount of time each day! It is simply a matter of priorities and time management.One thing some people do, is they keep in their head the time they need to arrive. The time you need to be on your way is what counts. You have to work backwards, allow for different traffic patterns like rush hour and school bus times, and add in a fudge factor. Of course sometimes, something like an accident will still make you late but you would be even later without proper planning! I almost was running late today for that very reason. I had 8:15 on my mind instead of 7:45. I realized this and decided not to put on makeup. I did not think it was important to the people at the groomer's office. Breakfast was more important to me at the time!What are time wasters? Anything that does not add value to your day in some way. One big time waster I eliminated was reading junk email. I was thinking there might be something important in there, but finally realized it was just a time waster! Another one was reading magazines; I get more value from self development books. Just start looking at each activity with a critical eye and ask what you get out of it.One time waster is handling things more than once. This has always been taught relative to paper but it applies just as much to electronic messages. Learn to recognize what can be deleted or thrown away immediately, what you can read and then discard, and what needs to be filed away for later reference.Finally, clutter is a HUGE time waster and not just for the obvious reason. Of course it will take longer to find what you need if you are digging through clutter. But there is also a mental factor at work. When you see clutter, or even if you just know where it is (like the basement, the garage) it tends to fluster you. You feel like you are not on top of things, like things are getting away from you. And that drains your energy! Eliminating time wasters will give you more time to get organized. If you have LOTS of clutter, make it a priority to set aside the time to get rid of it, even if it's a little bit at a time. Handling items only once will help you keep clutter under control. There is no substitute for good filing systems, both paper and online!Now I just need to get back to the groomer at 1 PM and make my 3 PM conference call. Got it under control!
Making Money Online Made Easy With These 6 Key Elements
So much is being made today about making money online. Especially if you're deeply entrenched in the business and doing all the things necessary to stay connected, generate leads and make sales. It does not matter whether you're participating in a forum, visiting a social URL, getting connected, linking in, hitting friends on Facebook, twittering, going to the YouTube, or whatever; you are consistently being bombarded with make money from home online opportunities. This can be extremely stressful, especially if you need to make money now.Which business do you choose? How many businesses do you choose? Do you choose one that claims you'll make money quickly or do you choose one with the potential for long term residual income?Regardless as to how you might answer the above questions, I am quite sure that everyone would agree that long term residual income must be at the center of your search for an online business.The best way to select a company that can meet this qualifier is to find one that offers these 6 key elements:Key Element #1. The company must have a product that everyone must use all the time, over and over againKey Element #2. The business must be recession proof. No matter how stagnant the economy gets, the business must still generate profit for its representatives and their customersKey Element #3. The business must show how the continued use of its products will aid in the preservation of the planet and improve the health of its customersKey Element #4. The business must show how a simple shift in one's thinking and buying habits will have a profound impact on virtually everything we need on this planet to survive-air quality, waterways, forests, drinking water, and even the very air we breatheKey Element #5. The company must use ecommerce, the environment and personal health to generate wealth for its representatives and customersKey Element #6. The company must provide consistent training for its representative via online webinars, regional seminars, and national conventions. The company must also provide representatives with a home business profit blueprint that keeps them on the cutting edge of how to generate qualified leads. Fortunately, there is a company that offers all of the above.
Network Marketing Leads - How to Use a Free Classified Ad Submitter Software Effectively
If you are promoting your network marketing business, you are probably familiar with free advertising methods that you can use with great results. In case you are not aware, there are always pros and cons to using free advertising methods. It just depends on how much value do you place on your time. Most people start their network marketing leads generating campaign with free classified ads. Why? Because they are incredibly effective in terms of acquiring a marketing skill fast without having to read a book about it like most complicated online marketing systems.Anyone Can Place A Classified Ad Offline And Online - Even Poorly Written Ads Can Still Generate Massive Traffic To Your WebsiteYou have probably seen your share of poorly written ads that have you wondering if they ever get any responses. As a matter of fact, they do. I see them on Craigslist all the time. The reason why they still generate responses is due to the fact that they address the needs of the customer without using hypnotic writing copy writing tactics. Let me give you a perfect example.Many years ago, the keyword "How To Get Rid Of Acne" was not very competitive. Now it is. The question is how do marketers differentiate themselves from that particular ad especially if they are marketing a product that addresses acne problems? The answer was simple. Are you aware that a conversion rate to an ad can jump dramatically by the simple act of changing or adding one word. For example, in this case, an online marketer would create an ad with this headline: "How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast."Just the simple act of adding the adjective "fast" made a big difference. You can type the keywords "How To Get Rid Of Acne" into the Google search engines just to see how competitive the organic search results are for that term. Do you see how those headlines in the search results look so similar? The only difference is that many of them have added either an adverb to the end of that keyword phrase just to make themselves stand out. This exact same principle applies to the "make money" niche as well which is extremely competitive.You Now Know How To Differentiate Yourself From Your Competition - What Next?You need to start visiting free online classified sites with lots of traffic like Craigslist, Inetgiant, and more. Start setting up an account with each one of them using a unique user name and password. This process can be incredibly tedious. If you value your time very preciously, then the best alternative would be to download a classified ad submission software at one reputable site.Most of you may have heard bad reports about using these kinds of software because of their notorious spamming usage. It is the spammers who are giving this product a bad name. If it gives you any reassurance on the legitimacy of classified ad submitter software, I am pleased to inform you that spammers lurk on Facebook and Twitter too.A classified ad submitter software will allow you to submit your ad to all the popular classified ad sites. It is important to note the ones with a high Alexa rank because your main concern is traffic to your ad.
Are You Losing Money Online? Avoid This Overlooked Mistake
You have been studying ways of making money and you have make a decision to begin your MLM enterprise.You recognize that many self millionaires came from this area, so you decide that you will give it a try.But what is the catch with this business model, how come you are losing money as opposed to making it!You consider that it is OK to pay the price so you go on with the monthly expenses that your company requires since you consider you are learning business skills.This is an important issue you face in the MLM industry. Network marketing companies have monthly expenses. You need to set up an auto-ship program in order to have product to sell or at least pay for a monthly membership; that is not including company events and budget for advertisement.The truth is that after awhile you are not getting any results; you came to this industry to make some money and now you have a monthly expense instead. You are losing money online!Yes, a business opportunity will help you build a significant residual income; as the matter of fact network marketing is one of the easiest and more powerful ways to do just that, you leverage other people's work and make a profit from it. In fact Robert Kiyosaki believe that the MLM industry allows you to move from the employee quadrant to the business quadrant a lot easier and faster than other business models.The problem is that many people buy into the incredible products and compensation plans of the companies without considering that they still need to learn how to market those products and the opportunity itself.So how can you turn this around?Build up your assets and learn the business skills before you join a company.The biggest asset any business can have is a list of potential buyers that want what the company offers.So there you go, build your list of people that like you and trust you that are interested on what you offer.The way to build that list is to offer information free of charge that help your followers to achieve their goal, which in this case will be to profit from their business. This will build the trust.Then in the long run they will be ready to pay for your tools, programs, courses or any affiliations that will help them get results faster. This is where you build your capital.The key to stop losing money online is to start making positive cashflow while you are building your list of buyers.Remember, network marketing is one of the fastest industries to create a fortune, but you don't need a business opportunity to begin building your must have asset, your list of buyers that trust you and are making you a positive cashflow that you can use as a working capital for your business.
Finally, A Logical Global Information Network Review
I've read a Global Information Network review or two and I must say most have me rolling on the floor laughing like I just left a George Carlin show.I find it amusing that there's confusion about why GIN is focused on the secret society "angle". After looking into the Global Information Network extensively, I've discovered that their focus isn't on secret societies, such as Bilderberg, the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, the CFR, etc, so much as it is on empowering individuals to rise up within society.Now, isn't that the same chief aim of pretty much every network marketing company currently existing on planet Earth?Sure is, which brings me to the point that GIN isn't much different from any other MLM business you could decide to sink your teeth into.Benefits of MembershipA GIN membership (the product) contains an amazing collection of written, audio and video material on subjects such as personal development, ways to make money, business skills, mental skills, Law of Attraction, health, martial arts, how to save and invest money, how to pay off debt, how to save on taxes, etc.One advantage Global Information Network members seem to have that reps in MonaVie, Global Resorts, Alivamax, Genesis Pure, Jusuru, 21Ten, Pre-Paid Legal, PFS, Amway, Mary Kay, etc don't have is the fact that Kevin Trudeau is on the KT Radio Network every week advertising the GIN opportunity for you.What's Your Marketing Expertise?Now comes the bad part: it appears that most GIN reps aren't making much money at all. Now comes the good part: First, there's no Global Information Network scam... because most folks in any MLM opportunity aren't making much cash.Second, there's a solution. You see, you CAN make a TON of money as a GIN member. Their compensation plan is one of the best in the business.However, unless you have a solid attraction based sales funnel system in place, your results will be the same as the guy hassling the guy at McDonald's to come down to the Wednesday night hotel meeting.If you want success in the Global Information Network business opportunity, you've got to master 21st Century MLM techniques...things such as pay-per-click advertising, article marketing, video marketing, hub page marketing, branding, social media, etc.My Global Information Network review can be summed up like this: the opportunity and comp plan are fantastic, you would do well to pursue the opportunity, but you'll fail unless you learn how to market and brand yourself through a proven, systematic marketing program.
Residual Income Business - Why Do You Need a Business Plan to Grow Your Business Online?
When we think of a business, whether it is online or offline, whether it is residual income business or a one time profit sale, we always, and I mean, every time need a business plan. Why is it so necessary? Have you ever failed in a business and said to yourself that this was not the business for me? Then read on, because I am going to shed some light on this important aspect of having a business plan and why you failed in the business because of not having it. But, first let me ask you a question.Have You Ever Joined An Opportunity, Which You Thought is The Best For You To Earn Money But You Failed?I think your answer would be yes. Then why did you fail or are not getting results the way you desired? Think about what did you do wrong. The one answer which will creep into your mind would be, I did not have a good plan to grow my business. This is nothing but a business plan. A step-by-step action plan we create for ourselves and follow it no matter what other things come in between.What Is An Effective Business Plan?What exactly is an effective business plan? It is nothing but, how you are going to perform your day-to-day activities to achieve your goals in your residual income business. It gives you a work plan to do every single day. And, most importantly, you get satisfied if you complete the days' work and are happy that things for today are completed, even if you do not get results tomorrow. This is the main reason to have a business plan. Because, if you are happy with what you do today, you will do it more effectively tomorrow. And you will get better results if you continue to do it everyday.Using A Business Plan As A Tool To Grow Your Business.Yes, you heard it right, it is indeed a tool in your way to growth of your residual income business. It is how you are going to work for your prosperity and financial freedom. It is how you are going to approach certain aspects like creating a website, generating traffic to it, how you are going to follow up to your potential prospects, what ways of traffic generation you are going to use. Every single thing comes under your business plan, and it will enhance your productivity to your own business. With it, you would be able to know what works and what does not work in your business, and most importantly, which method works for you.So, Is It Necessary?I would say yes, it is necessary and ask you to go ahead and create a business plan, do not think about the results you will get, just think about what you are going to do everyday?, how you are going to do it?. Write it down on a piece of paper or on the notepad of your PC, and follow it day in day out, sooner, or later you will edit it, or make it more complex, and get better results from it.
Five Factors to Look For When Choosing an MLM Consultant
The role of the MLM consultant has grown in popularity. It is true that at times we need to seek the advice of the experts in particular fields that we find ourselves unable to tackle.This arises particularly when we are faced with some complex matters that we know little or have no clue at all. But bear in mind that there are good and bad experts in the market, so you need to have a clue on how to isolate the good ones from the bad ones.Understand that a portion of the MLM consultants can be also network marketers who pass themselves off as consultants. Consulting is a profession that requires certain knowledge. Just being one of the network marketers alone does not qualify one to be an expert.Don't judge network marketers to be experts just because they became successful. Their successes could have been because they snagged the right opportunities with the right company at the right time.Five Factors to Consider when Selecting MLM consultant1. Track RecordsA skilled MLM consultant keeps a track record for clients to inspect in hopes of signing new ones. If they are keenly and well kept, then this is a good sign that they are not trying to hide anything.Check on their actual results instead of just believing what they say to you about their accomplishments. Inquire if there are some past clients available for you to contact in order to at least get their testimony.2. CredentialsDo they have reliable credentials? What is their consulting experience? Are they from the right business background? What type of educational degree do they hold? The answers to these questions are important. Usually, consultants have some kind of portfolio to show their prospective clients. Inquire about this and examine it keenly.3. ProfessionalismProfessionalism always needs to be present before assigning any MLM consultant. Do they appear to be professional? Do they talk like a professional? Find the answers for these questions before you hire one.4. Problem SolvingDoes the consultant ask you questions on what your problems are? Genuine Consultants ask numerous questions; this is part of their job as MLM consultant. You want to hire one who solves your problems and not to be part of the problem. Be certain that their inquiries are targeted on getting you ahead of the game. This is why you pay them.5. ExperiencedThere are those multiple level marketing experts that have never worked in the field of MLM. They haven't ever had to recruit people nor have they sold any multiple level products. In spite of all this they still call themselves MLM consultants. Be certain that the one you select brings the right experience.
Online MLM Network Marketing - Tools to Make Your Business Simple
Before the internet, network marketing was done face to face and on the telephone but since the popularity of the internet has grown much of the business is now done online. This makes network marketing a lot easier and much more successful as you are able to reach many more potential customers as well as the endless opportunities to advertise. Online MLM network marketing means that you can also do all of your training on the internet as well. This is good news because not only is it more convenient but it is a lot quicker as well so that you can finish up your training and start making profits straight away.Online MLM network marketing not only allows you to train online, but all orders can now be placed via the internet as well. This is great news to speed up sales and promotion. You do not have to worry about sending out order forms through the postal service or spend hours waiting on the end of a phone when you can put your orders in and continue working on your business within a few minutes. The internet has really helped to make network marketing more successful and there are plenty of online tools which can help you with your selling and promotion as well.Now you can advertise on the internet in many different ways to reach millions of people all over the world. Online MLM network marketing can really give you the boost in sales to push you to your limits! Why not try creating your own webpage so that you can advertise your products and business on there? You will be able to update information every day, provide contact details for potential customers and so much more! Imagine the sales you could receive by having your own webpage to promote and sell your products as well as doing it face to face.As well as building your own webpage which you can do for free on a number of sites, you can also advertise on social networking pages such as Twitter and Facebook. Online MLM network marketing on pages such as these can help you to reach thousands of potential new customers and the opportunities are endless. You could also set up your own page on Facebook in order to recruit new members for the business which means that your commission will go up and up the more people you introduce. So what are you waiting for? Use the internet for all of your MLM network marketing needs today and make big profits.
Leadership Principles For Today's Network Marketers - 10 Must Know MLM Strategies For Success
What if there were 10 Key Leadership Principles that if learned and put into practice, would change your life and your business? Would you study them and take action?The first principle is Loyalty. How loyal are you to your team, your company, & yourself? Can you count on yourself to follow through and are you totally committed for the long haul? Are you presently building four different companies? Have you considered that scattered focus brings scattered results? What will it take you to get into the fast lane in your business, your relationships, and every other area of your life? Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10. Then write one thing you can do to incrementally move up;...not to a ten, just one at a time.The second leadership principle for today's networker has to do with this idea of servant leadership, which John Maxwell covers so well. In your network marketing company, are you building people up, treating them each differently, and creating an environment for success for them? Or are you carrying one conversation into another and treating each new & existing person in your organization with script mentality, like a number, or not trusting your gut instinct with how you've come to know that individual? Altogether, are you empowering them to grow into their full potential? You guessed it; Empowerment is our second principle. So can you see the acorn inside of the tree? Are you empowering your people by challenging them and creating an environment for success, or enabling them with promises that their business will be built for them? Repeat our first process and rate yourself on Empowerment from 1-10, listing one action you can take daily/weekly to move up the scale.Here's a huge question for you; what are you presently attracting into your business and your life? Are you satisfied? Fact: Environment is stronger than willpower. There is no better example of this than our industry and what it does for peoples lives. Going back to Empowerment, our industry provides a person a safe place of support and encouragement when other parts of their surroundings may not be so positive and supportive.Like attracts like and you will absolutely attract that which you are being into your business. That said, the third leadership principle is Attraction. The goal is to manage what we focus on, which manages our state, that manages our energy, and thus we've managed what we attract! Think about what you were focusing on and what your energy was like when you've attracted the best successes and people into your life. Here is the secret; to attract top 10 performers into your business, you have to have equal or greater energy than them. To often we focus on things that don't serve us; this lowers our focus, energy, and the chance of manifesting what we seek to attract. In this area of Attraction, one strategy will serve you very well; if someone in your business of personal life behaves in a way that is less desirable, speak to the better part of them. When you react to their present behavior, you get more of that, and less of the better part of them. Obviously the reverse is so true! Now score yourself honestly from 1-10.Number four; D stands for Develop. What value do you place on yourself and your growth? Do you have a self imposed limitation? The fact is, you always bring yourself to the stage...and everything that's going on with you! T Harv Ecker says, "What's going on on the inside shows up on the outside." Take that as a metaphor for every other area too. This one is real simple; how much are you committed to developing yourself to develop your business? Your business will only develop to the extent you do.We'll start the fifth leadership principle for today's networker with a quote from John Maxwell; "Leaders who attract followers need to be needed. Leaders who attract leaders want to be succeeded." Which kind of leader are you? The latter in his quote are the leaders that want to create legacy. How is the Exponential Growth in your business? You guessed it, that's the 'E' for number five. Leaders who attract followers focus on the weakness. Leaders who attract leaders focus on strength. In addition to this, a great process to attract who you want for exponential growth is by getting clear on the attributes of the leaders you want in your business. Maybe its being coachable, a great listener, someone who's humble, driven?? The clearer you get on these, the more of these people you'll see showing up. How are you in the area attracting leaders to your group and explosive, Exponential Growth? Be honest with your 1-10 score and what you plan to do to move it up.Number six is a big deal. Are you giving reasons for your performance or getting results?! In our sixth principle, responsibility, blaming, justifying, and complaining have no place. Responsibility is the ability to respond. Blame, justification, and complaints are the polar opposite and will destroy your business. End of story.That being said, does your business shift and operate differently daily? Are you reliable?Are you responsible? Responsibility is our seventh leadership principle every networker must cultivate. Can you be trusted by those around you; in work and play? The speed of trust equals change. Covey has seven sub-principles that break down Trust, and thus measure responsibility. They include communicating, demonstrating, transparency, righting wrongs, delivering results, following through on verbal commitments, listening first, and extending trust first. I'll have info about a training DVD where you can learn these at length. For now, give yourself a general rating.Number eight can be summarized in a quote from my mentor & Chief Training Officer (Isagenix) David Wood; "If you want to build a ship don't drum up people to collect wood and assign them tasks, but rather reach into their hearts & teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." How much heart do you really have for what you're doing? Are you so enthralled with the mission of your company that you can't sleep at night?! Maybe you're offer your service selflessly to a higher power, unattached to the outcome? Do you do what's uncomfortable? These are all examples of Heart. Take a moment to be really honest with yourself and again score yourself from 1-10. How you implement these will directly impact your results. Do you want a big shift or not?We touched a little on the ninth letter in Leadership earlier with Responsibility. Responsibility is in many ways what determines Integrity, our ninth key principle today's networker must put into practice. What is Integrity? Here is a great equation: strategy + character = Integrity. Keeping the agreements you set with yourself is the most important thing you can do. Do you trust yourself? This may be an eye opening formula: Integrity = Self Trust = Confidence = Ability to Take Action and have people Trust joining you. Ask yourself, "How do people feel about me when I don't keep my commitments?" Next, "How do I feel when I don't keep commitments to myself? A great philosophy is to make the decision about the next day the night before, not when your alarm clock goes off. Where are you on your commitments to yourself and others? This one is huge, so take some time and be honest.By now you may be perplexed wondering about the tenth crucial principle for today's networker. The good news is, number ten is a breath of fresh air. All of this may seem like a lot to examine, inventory, and create movement with. That's why the 'P' in leadership stands for Process! Growing yourself and your leadership in your network marketing business is a journey. The 'Law of Process' is the ability to keep taking action. Are you willing and committed to create your desired end result? Have you written out your life vision backwards with the end in mind, as Covey teaches?Now is the time for you to cultivate L-E-A-D-E-R-S-H-I-P. Its officially Now O' Clock. You, your team, your family, & community deserve the leader that you really are. Its up to you now. As David Wood said, "Are you going to take action and make a shift or will this be more 'Shelf Help'?You deserve it all,David Emil Lombard
Send Out Cards Success - This is What You Are Looking For!
Send Out Cards is a great company with a great team of leaders that are behind it. This company allows people to grow a business while helping others at the same time. Send Out Cards is a greeting card business that lets you send a greeting card to anyone in the world at the click of a button. A real physical greeting card that is delivered to your door.I want to share with you the skills and techniques that you will need to be successful in this business. In order to be successful you are going to need to learn the proper strategies to generate a large number of prospects. You are going to need to be able to duplicate your success and teach your distributors how to prospect exactly as you do.There are many tools and resources that you can use online to grow a successful send out cards business. Many leaders in the company are not teaching these tools because these are the exact strategies they are using to recruit large numbers of people into their own business. They simply do not want to dilute the playing field for them.By diluting the playing field, this means they will have a harder time generating leads. This levels the competition and makes everything more difficult. In order to be successful you must be willing to put in the time and effort to learn these strategies. Most importantly, you have to take action. So many people quit way to early in the game. If you give your business a solid year to grow, you will see tremendous results. The only problem is, you have to work at it. Do not assume to see results right away.I want to share with you these strategies and show you that anyone can be successful in the Send Out Cards business. A very important part to succeed is the ability to leverage the internet. The internet is giving normal average people the ability to earn great sums of money in a very short period of time.Do not confuse this opportunity to a get rich quick scheme. This is not at all what I am talking about. Their is no such thing as getting rich over night. It is important to learn and grow with the company. With persistence and education, you will grow and prosper in this business. Learn the techniques and take action every single day!
Why MLM Genealogy Also Known As MLM Genealogy Leads Are the Quickest Ways to Go Broke
Using MLM genealogy also known as MLM genealogy leads are one of the quickest ways to go broke in your MLM business. Most people who use these leads for their business are under the impression that because these leads consist of people who have been a customer or a distributor in a MLM company once before, that they would be the most qualified to contact about their business.MLM genealogy leads are a list that includes old out dated leads and most of them quit MLM and are not interested in becoming a rep again. Just because they have been exposed to MLM in the past does not make them very targeted. This is just as ineffective as wasting money on biz opp leads from lead companies. You will still have to spend countless hours on the phone cold calling them while dealing with the sting of rejection trying to convince them that your primary company is the next big thing.MLM genealogy leads will also drain your bank account so fast in the process struggling to recruit that it is likely you will get so frustrated that you may quit and end up on someone else's MLM genealogy list. I don't care if their biz opp or MLM leads. The best quality leads don't come from buying them from some lead vendor. I know you want fresh targeted leads for your business and the best way for you to get them is to learn who are the right people to target for your business, were to find them and how to get them to your web site. This process can be done without dealing with rejection, cold calling or spending more money then you make.
Tired of the Old School Network Marketing Techniques? MonaVie Review
Attempting to build your MonaVie business can become a hassle and even very difficult. Especially since you're using the old, and absolutely do not work traditional ways of growing a Network Marketing business that your sponsor or up line is teaching you. I guarantee you will be asking yourself, "How do I grow my MonaVie business".What I am going to do for you is, I'm going to share with you some valuable information about how to grow your down line. In doing so, you'll be able to effortlessly build your down line using proven marketing strategies and techniques.The following are great ideas to building your MonaVie business:1. From the start, in order to grow your down line you have to be able to choose the right people to do business with. Having done this, will allow you to easily build your business. When you are aware of who the correct people are to do business with, you will have eliminated having to deal with people who one hundred percent do not want what you are offering.Properly determining who your target market is, in the case of MonaVie, could mean picking someone who is keenly interested in health issues, or someone who may want to become a Network Marketing Entrepreneur in the health and wellness industry..2. The second tip to being able to build your MonaVie business is to know and understand your products. It is imperative that you be able to let prospective buyers and customers know how MonaVie juice will help them. Knowing this information will help to narrow down those customers that will purchase from you. You can also learn from this, the reasons a prospect will purchase MonaVie juice from you.3. Thirdly, in order to build your down line you will need to have in place a powerful and effective marketing system for you and your down line to use, that should be easily and completely duplicatable so that you and your down line both, can make use of it. The Industry leaders and the large income earners, make their money by using this kind of system. It requires little effort, it is completely automated and it can and will help you to quickly succeed. This system must show you how to attract your target market and help you to locate them.There, I have given you some great ideas on being able to build your MonaVie business. Building your down line should be the number one priority for you. If you're serious about building your down line easily, then you should immediately begin implementing the ideas I gave above. Now that you know the answer to your question, "How do I grow my MonaVie business", go on out there and expand your business.
5 Steps to Building an Online Business
The online business has several basic needs. They include: a website, a product, marketing system, payment collection system and means of communication with prospects and customers. How does the beginner or new business person get from the beginning to a finished and functional website?Step One. Determine the product you will promote. Use your "passion", hobby, personal interests as a starting point for ideas. Do a keyword search to see if there is interest in this product. Google has a free keyword tool that will provide you search information.A. Check to see if people are buying this product. Do an eBay search of completed items. B. Check Google to see what your competition is. Enter your keyword in the Google search box and you will see how many websites are available for this item.Step Two. Purchase and register a domain name. There are many domain registrars to choose from. You can do a Google search here also. Prices vary. You may wish to consider registering for two years as search engines appear to prefer that. Obtain a web host. Once again prices and services provided vary greatly.Step Three. Develop and publish your website. There are many aids available for the "newbie". Many hosting companies provide templates, and assistance in setting up your website. You can also hire someone to set it up for you.Step Four. Obtain an auto-responder and set up your campaign. An auto-responder sends out your pre-written email messages to your prospects at predetermined intervals Double opt-in is the preferred method as this avoids "spamming". Spam is contacting someone without their approval. More detailed information about spam may also be found on Google.Step Five. Promote, market (get traffic), and sell your product. There are many ways of marketing available. I provide a detailed, easy to understand course that covers the above information. For more information contact Theresa Newell.
Dubli Review - Can an Auction MLM Be Successful?
New network marketing companies seem to be springing up all the time these days, but there are really very few that are in the form of an online auction site. One of the most popular ones is known as Dubli. This dubli review will cut through all the suppose half-truths out there are really focus on brining the facts out.So, What Exactly Is Dubli?Interestingly enough Dubli itself is a German registered company and formed by a gentleman Michael Hansen What is really intersting is that when you dig into their main webpage, you see that, while they on the surface appear to be similar to a site like ebay, in fact they offer a much more limited menu of tems to bid on. Now, to their credit, the company claims that they are adding a new set of products virtually every day.What Is It Exactly That They Offer?The core business model is that one can earn money through the opportunity of running a mini auction site yourself. While the dubli auction site on the surface appears to function just like any other online auction potral, there are a couple distinct differences when you really look at it. It operates off of a credit based system, where you buy the credits in order to put bids on various items up for auction. The credits work like virtual cash, and the more credits that you have, the better of a visual you have about the details of the item, and you can buy up to 500 credits.So How Exactly Does The Dubli Auction Work?Like we talked about before, it really functions much like any other auction site. The largest difference you see at first glance is that it is credit based. The actual credits that you buy allow you to be able to place bids on items up for auction.So What's The Real Deal?In summary, what does this particular dubli review think of the opportunity, is it a scam? To be honest here, the actual system itself appears a little confusing at first glance, which might turn some people off.But, if you are going to really get your duble network marketing opportunity to produce some real cash for you, you need to learn how to market it. When the rubber meets the road, success in any MLM business, or business in general really comes down to learning how to market and reach potential customers for your business or product. In the end, unless we figure out how to connect with people and provide solutions to people, we are doomed to failure.To learn much more than what is in this short dubli review and really learn about building your business for the long term, read below and click on the link for more information.
Are You Afraid of MLM?
Why are people afraid of MLM?They think it is illegal
They don't understand how it worksThere are some illegal rascals out there, and I have written other articles on how to avoid them. So let's start by accepting that there are some legitimate, legal MLM opportunities. And let's look at how MLM works.Most people do "network marketing" every day. They just don't get paid for it! Network marketing is nothing more than telling other people about a product or service you like. How often have you shared with someone else:A great restaurant
A good movie
Where to find a bargain on a product
A product that made you feel better
A contractor who did good work for you
A nice hotel with good serviceThe list goes on and on. While some businesses will give you a reward (like points toward a future product or service) for referring new business, most will not. And they definitely won't reward you for the person who was referred by the person you referred! In other words, if they do give rewards it is "one level" only.Traditional businesses also pay for advertising. Have you ever heard the price tag for a super bowl ad? A local company providing an advertising magazine recently wanted me to buy a quarter-page ad and it costs over $300. Advertising costs businesses lots of money.Most multi-level marketing companies use exclusively word-of-mouth advertising (network marketing) to sell their products, and the money they would have spent on traditional advertising is paid out in commissions to their distributors. It is called multi-level because you earn money not just on the sales you make personally, but also on the sales made by your team. For example, if you sponsor Sally as a distributor you will earn commissions on Sally's sales. If Sally sponsors Joe you will also earn commissions on Joe's sales.This concept seems somehow immoral to some people. They think they would be paid for something they didn't do. But think about it...Joe wouldn't be selling products for this company if it weren't for Sally, and you sponsored Sally, so you are responsible for Joe being in the company.It's simply leverage. Let's say you own several fast food franchises and never actually work behind the counter in any of them. You pay employees an hourly wage to prepare and sell the food. You take all of the risk (paying employees even if no customers come in, paying the rent and utilities, buying the food) and earn money from the work of ALL of those employees when customers do come in. If you are successful, you are out playing golf or sailing or whatever you enjoy doing while your employees are working.When you work for someone else or in a business where you get paid by the job (like a hair stylist, a massage therapist, or even a doctor) you are trading time for money. You are not taking advantage of leverage.A MLM business lets you take advantage of leverage. It just happens to be a whole lot cheaper and easier to start than a "brick and mortar" business. To me, the best part is that everyone who joins your team has the same opportunity. You are leveraging the efforts of team members as opposed to employees, and every team member can grow their own team.I love the concept!
They don't understand how it worksThere are some illegal rascals out there, and I have written other articles on how to avoid them. So let's start by accepting that there are some legitimate, legal MLM opportunities. And let's look at how MLM works.Most people do "network marketing" every day. They just don't get paid for it! Network marketing is nothing more than telling other people about a product or service you like. How often have you shared with someone else:A great restaurant
A good movie
Where to find a bargain on a product
A product that made you feel better
A contractor who did good work for you
A nice hotel with good serviceThe list goes on and on. While some businesses will give you a reward (like points toward a future product or service) for referring new business, most will not. And they definitely won't reward you for the person who was referred by the person you referred! In other words, if they do give rewards it is "one level" only.Traditional businesses also pay for advertising. Have you ever heard the price tag for a super bowl ad? A local company providing an advertising magazine recently wanted me to buy a quarter-page ad and it costs over $300. Advertising costs businesses lots of money.Most multi-level marketing companies use exclusively word-of-mouth advertising (network marketing) to sell their products, and the money they would have spent on traditional advertising is paid out in commissions to their distributors. It is called multi-level because you earn money not just on the sales you make personally, but also on the sales made by your team. For example, if you sponsor Sally as a distributor you will earn commissions on Sally's sales. If Sally sponsors Joe you will also earn commissions on Joe's sales.This concept seems somehow immoral to some people. They think they would be paid for something they didn't do. But think about it...Joe wouldn't be selling products for this company if it weren't for Sally, and you sponsored Sally, so you are responsible for Joe being in the company.It's simply leverage. Let's say you own several fast food franchises and never actually work behind the counter in any of them. You pay employees an hourly wage to prepare and sell the food. You take all of the risk (paying employees even if no customers come in, paying the rent and utilities, buying the food) and earn money from the work of ALL of those employees when customers do come in. If you are successful, you are out playing golf or sailing or whatever you enjoy doing while your employees are working.When you work for someone else or in a business where you get paid by the job (like a hair stylist, a massage therapist, or even a doctor) you are trading time for money. You are not taking advantage of leverage.A MLM business lets you take advantage of leverage. It just happens to be a whole lot cheaper and easier to start than a "brick and mortar" business. To me, the best part is that everyone who joins your team has the same opportunity. You are leveraging the efforts of team members as opposed to employees, and every team member can grow their own team.I love the concept!
Can Network Marketing Provide You an Answer?
It is becoming a fact of life; rising costs for healthcare, increases in taxes due to governments' mismanagement of funds, so millions of people are turning to their computers to find ways to supplement their incomes.Who can blame them? One sixth of our GDP (healthcare) is becoming more of a government program and most companies are reducing their supplemental portions requiring their employees to cover increasing costs. 'Did you know that if you work for 22 years with raises at 3% (cost of living per year), you can expect to double your income. That is powerful, double your income every 22 years! However your taxes could easily increase over 7% each year. Doubling your income just increased as well.A recent poll I saw indicated that approximately 15% of doctors are thinking of getting out of the medical profession due to a reduction in reimbursement costs from Medicare? Are they a group going into Network Marketing?Working at home can provide several ways to build an online business. Network Marketing provides you a way to supplement the rising costs of taxes and healthcare by building a strong network. Word of mouth advertising has been a major way to advertise and with the increase proximity you now have to millions using the internet, a powerful network can be structured.Finding your opportunity online you can stand firmly behind to market can be daunting. There are so many and most people that have been working under the generally accepted process of a corporate structure are not familiar with network marketing models. Information overload is running rampant.Are you finding all this mindboggling? It just shows how important it will be for you to find multiple ways to increase your income and Network Marketing just may be your ticket.Of course you could contact the IRS and see if you qualify for one of the 16,000 new hires to enforce the new 'healthcare' law but your stress level would increase as well. How happy are these individuals going to be to go after taxpayers for missing out on paying their fair share?It will be important to determine your career path to follow. Can you make a decision to find your own option of becoming a Network Marketer? I do suggest that you find a mentor, one that can assist your efforts and will hold you accountable to completing all the necessary tasks. This is not a hobby and should not be treated as one.Building any business, whether on or off line, requires a total personal commitment, a focus on your daily goals, and making sure that you are progressing on an ethical way. You will find to do well requires you to build trust utilizing a medium that is not face to face and many may find this a risk they aren't willing to take.
Qivana Review - Expert Opinion on Building a Successful Business in Qivana
Qivana is a new network marketing company launched in March 2009. Most companies in the network marketing industry fail right after launch because there was something within the business that didn't work with the industry. Qivana being around such a short time has stood the initial test of network marketing infancy. Qivana is a nutritional company ran by CEO Derek Hall.I seen a lot of network marketing companies in my few years in the industry and know that Qivana has the right blend a great business opportunity along with a magnificent product line.People are looking today, to make a significant amount of money while having a beneficial product. Qivana allows any serious IBO (Independent Business Owner) the opportunity to build a profitable business.What is Qivana Flagship Product?Qivana's flagship product is called the call Qore system. The Qore system is a 3 phase process that promotes improved health using natural products. The 3 phases to the process are stabilize,vitalize and optimize.Stabilize- The first phase of the Qore system is to help build your immune system through Qivana's natural nutriments.Vitalize- This phase focuses on providing a blend of healing herbs that enhances natural energy and protection.Optimize- The last phase of the Qore system provides a body cleanser and improves your bodies daily performance.Qivana products main focus is to improve the health of anyone who uses them.How Does Qivana Pays Their IBO's?Not only does this company have a great product but allows you to create a lucrative income is you build a business with them. Qivana pays their IBO's a number of ways.Teams Commissions - As you grow a team in Qivana they will pay you a percentage on each leg. Qivana uses a binary pay structure.Retail Commissions - Any of Qivana products you sell you will receive a commission.Along with the team building and retails commissions Qivana pays their IBO's incentive bonuses such as executive matching bonuses, quick start bonuses, builder bonuses and silver bonuses.The key here is build your team as big as possible and you can make a lot of money. This leads us to the next question and most important question in this article...How Do You Build A Successful Business With Qivana?Qivana is a great company and offers so many ways to get paid but if you don't know how to build a business all of that doesn't matter. Because the fact is that if you don't recruit people or sell retail you won't make any money at all.This is where a lot of people miss the boat they tend to forget they joined network marketing and never truly learn how to market. They join a network marketing company and the first thing they try to do is convince family and friends this is the best thing since sliced bread. If only it were that easy.In order for you to have success in any company you simply have to learn how to market. Marketing is the key factor that is going to take your business to the next level. You must obtain the skill set of marketing and generating leads. If you learn how to generate leads and real marketing skills then there is no limit to how big you can build your business.One of the best ways to learn how to market is to use the internet. If you truly grasp the principles of marketing using the internet you can build your business on a global scale and create the same duplication for your team members.The formula for success is very simple Mindset + Skill set + Massive Action = $Massive Results$.
MLM Business Landlocked? Get Multiple Streams of Profits Flowing Today
Rivers flow in all directions and ultimately to the sea. However, many rivers feed to landlocked lakes or they dry up in the wasteland. What about your MLM business is it flowing like a river or is it landlocked?Entrepreneurs fall deeply in love with their MLM Company and many become landlocked in their way of thinking about running a business. They forget like a river, multiple streams are needed to keep the business flowing.In your business multiple streams of income will be required to keep profits flowing to you. Most believe if they just concentrate on their network marketing business they don't need to entertain other options of making money. Sorry my friends but that is not true.A Company can decide to reorganize their operations and no longer be in the direct sales business. There are examples of companies reorganizing their sales strategies which you can research.If this happens some distributors are able to keep business flowing because the company did not have them landlocked. Yet others can be hurt by this move because they have dedicated all of their entrepreneurship energy to the company.There is a way to prevent this from ever happening to you. Continue to dedicate your time, energy and spirit to your MLM. However, you should combine that with other streams of income opportunities which are not in conflict with your network marketing company.This can be done several ways. You can actually work a standard good old American job in addition to your network marketing business. You could also use the internet to market your business and fund your online marketing through affiliate sales.These are sales of products and services that you and others in your business need if they expand their business to the internet. This can provide you with multiple streams of income so in the event of a company reorganization you have ready cash flow to move to your next business venture.Multiple streams of income are a necessity in any successful MLM business. Take a look at Coke and Pepsi. They not only market their flagship drinks but they market healthy beverages, water and others. If one stream of income becomes landlocked and dries up the others are there to keep the business afloat. Understand that multiple streams of income are the right way to operate a successful business.Get access to the marketing system that taught me the value of multiple streams of income and get more profits into your business today.
Just Because You Build it, it Doesn't Mean They'll Come
Contrary to popular opinion, just because you build a website-no matter how spectacular it is-people won't start flocking there in droves. I can't believe the number of people who come to me and tell me their site is informative and colorful and yet they garner no traffic. A large number of them have even paid a website designer to create them a "masterpiece" so-to-speak, but they just aren't able to drive traffic to their site and they most certainly don't rank impressively in the search engines.I know that when I first started our business, I had no idea you could coax a search engine-or bribe one! But you can and it doesn't mean paying one of those companies that promise to get you to the top of Google. That may work for a short term (in rare cases when it is a legitimate company), but it won't serve you long term and help continue your successful presence on that enormous world wide web.A friend of mine has taught me a great deal about what will and will not secure rankings for a site. In those lessons, I realized that most people just don't get it. And that is a tough thing to find out the hard way and may just determine whether a business makes it or not. This friend of mine has been in the business for years and is what you would call an SEO Guru. She makes a great living by actually "teaching" people how to get where they want to be and stay there.She taught me, "Getting to the top of Google is one thing, staying there is another. Your position is affected by AUTHORITATIVE, VALID, RELEVANT, and CURRENT content. If a company promises to get you to the top of Google, but you don't contribute regularly to your site and social-media presence in a manner to sustain it, you will go to the bottom of the search-results list -and I do mean bottom. Then you pay them again. It's a vicious cycle. There is no reason to pay someone. Simply follow sensible rules and you will maintain and improve your positioning."First and foremost, blog sites can rank high quickly in search engines. It is a known fact. And most people don't realize that they are hurting themselves from the get-go by not having a blog site. They also misunderstand that a blog site doesn't just have to be a blog. It can contain and all content you wish to put on it-multi-media, text, images, contact forms, etc. But there should be a link that features blog postings as well and that content should be updated regularly.In setting up your site, it is definitely important to express yourself and your company through it's design. But no matter how much you pay a designer, just having a great looking site isn't going to tell people that the site is out there and it most certainly isn't going to provide them a road map to find that spectacular site. So before you fall for the "when I build it, they will come" theory, make sure you clearly understand what it takes to actually direct those people and they will come.
10 Reasons Why a Moron Can Make Money in Network Marketing
You don't have to be a brilliant person to make a ton of money in network marketing. In fact you can be a complete moron and still make more money than most people if you're willing to follow the system that is in place for your business and you are willing to work consistently and diligently.Here are 10 reasons why a moron can make money in network marketing (and why you'd be a moron not to join one)1. The system is already in place - You don't have to have a great mind for business. With network marketing the system is already there for you. All you have to do is follow it and you can't fail.2. Low start up cost - What business do you know that you can start for less than $500 bucks... heck less than $5000 bucks. I can't think of one... except network marketing.3. People are invested in you! - When someone brings you into the business they are invested in YOU! They want you to succeed and they won't stop until you reach your goals. When was the last time your boss did that for you. With network marketing you'll always have someone in your corner.4. Tons of training - There are a million and one resources for someone who wants to learn how to work from home. And the best part is that most of these resources are FREE either online or through different people in your company.5. The internet makes it easy - The internet is the best tool for network marketing. Working on the internet is less expensive and a whole lot easier than the way people use to do network marketing. It's also a lot more fun and anyone can learn it in no time!6. No experience required - You don't have to bring a bunch of prior experience to the table. Just come as you are and we can show you how to become successful.7. The more you do the more you learn - Network marketing is simple. The more you do it the better you get.8. The money comes quickly - No you won't be rich overnight and yes it will take some hard work and effort on your part. However, most businesses today are set up to let you make money right away. So you can be making money in your first month. How does a few extra hundred or thousand sound for your first month in business?9. It's better that you don't think too much - Honestly, sometimes the more you think the harder you make it on yourself. Better to just follow the system and the training that is already in place for you than to over think what you're doing. I've seen people really mess up their business because they just think too darn much!10. Morons have come before you - Yep, it's true. I've seen people who have a hard time spelling their name make ridiculous amounts of money working from home! That's why I can so boldly tell you that anyone (even a moron) can do it. It's been proven time and time again. Network marketing just plain works... period!
Coaching and Mentoring For Your Home Based Business
Coaching, mentoring, training: We have all heard these words, especially in a Network Marketing or MLM style of business. The issue is not if we know what they mean; it is if we know how to do it.I have heard people say that they cannot do it because they are afraid to get up on stage, they do not like to be center stage. Others do not know what they should be coaching on or how to mentor somebody. And I have even been told that it is not possible for them as they are not a powerful motivational speaker. All of these things are just excuses from your mind that is not allowing you to be successful in your business.To be a good coach or mentor, what you need to do is to figure out how to be the best in your business that you possibly can. Learn everything that you can on how to grow, what the best techniques are to market your style of business. Do a lot of personal development by reading on different topics that pertain to your business. This could be sales techniques, product information, marketing strategies, communication, or simply something that motivates you. Now you need to put all of this into practice and make it work for you. Close the sales, grow your team, do the parties or events and make them successful. Guess what, you are ready to be a great coach.Believe it or not, this is all that it takes. This with the courage to say "Here is what I am doing; here is how I am doing it. If you want the success that I am having, follow along." I can hear everyone saying now that it is not this easy; there are many other factors that are involved. True, however if you have the initial knowledge of your business and have made it work for you, then you already know the obstacles that are presented. You can troubleshoot for those that you are training and help figure out solutions that arise as you know what the final outcome will be.John C Maxwell says in his book "Developing the Leader Within You" that there are three main components to being a good leader. Knowing, Showing and Inspiring. Knowing how to do a job, showing others how to, and inspiring others to do better. We do not need to over analyze how to be a good coach. Many of us feel that it is more difficult than it really is. We do not need to be a Jim Rohn or Zig Zigglar - if you do not know those names, you better get to a bookstore really quick. What you need to have is the want for your business to succeed, and the desire to help others to create a business that they can succeed in as well.You put these into play and you will be surprised at what you become as a result of it. I wish you all the success you will create for yourself.
Stay Home and Profit
Stay home and profit is really about how to either supplement your income by creating a stay home profits center.There are seemingly unlimited ways to produce income. I know in my own situation I work so many hours for someone else, I have to cram in time to even look up opportunities that come my way.One a person responds to one opportunity such as an internet marketing program. A likely example is stay home profits website. Man, do the emails come and they throw bunches of new opportunities at you. Talk about a difficult learning curve and then talk about confusion.The gurus who make 500k per year and up have much o experience in internet marketing and affiliate marketing. For a newbie, as slow as they go is almost to fast on the learning videos provided with the traditional $77 dollar course. The information I have received has been not only helpful but eye opening.There is more to creating an online business than meets the eye. I have been taught to create my own website. Now I mean, be by own webmaster and the whole bit. Man, it has been a month now and I have something up and running. Every day is a learning curve, mixing my 60 hour a week job in with my 2 hours per day part time learning and producing an internet business online in the hours that are left after being exhausted after work and on days off.I want what everyone wants a little time freedom or a lot of time freedom coupled with a lot of money.Not to much to ask. I have made some money now doing this online stuff. Still framing it together and moving forward. Stay home businesses are work specific. Needless to say, the guru says they will be, but I got a sense that I will know work and work will be needed to get the job at home done. Stay tuned and I will be filling you in on the details. This journal will be forthright and transparent.
Discover the Exact Formula to Get 50 Free MLM Leads a Day on Autopilot
If you ever wondered how it is possible that the big guys are able to get 50 free MLM leads every single day on complete autopilot read on.Yes it is true that you can generate many prospects daily for your MLM company while you sleep and I am going to share some of the methods that you yourself can use right here.Let me first assure you that it is not easy but it isn't hard either. Most people go about online marketing for MLM the wrong way. That is because they have not been taught right by their up-line, who more than likely still advocates the warm market method of recruiting prospects. While this method works for some, simply talking to 100 people is not nearly enough! And furthermore most of your warm market is not really qualified in the first place.Now let's talk about what you will need. You will need a WordPress blog. Once you have a Blog you will need traffic to your Blog. You will also need a contact form on your blog.This sounds like a lot but stick with me here.Let's first look at traffic. You can use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube & article marketing to drive traffic to your website. All these work very well to get traffic to your website for free. The way you go about it is to provide people with valuable content that they are looking for. You may think you don't have valuable content, but it is easier than you think.What is even better is that there are complete systems available now that will put it all together for you, including the content, the website, the forms and more. To be honest that is exactly how many of the big guys are generating 50 MLM leads a day for their business.
New MLM Companies - How You Benefit From Joining Them
When it comes to the Network Marketing scene, nothing generates more buzz than a New MLM Company. But what makes such an announcement so exciting, and how can it help you?When a brand new MLM Company is announced, it seems like the entire industry goes bananas. Turns out there's a really good reason why so many people get excited, and it could even benefit you to join in the fray.Why Joining A New MLM Company Makes SenseWhile this isn't a stead-fast rule, many people find that joining a new network marketing company while it's in its infant stages offers them the best potential long-term financial rewards. Why? Because joining early means that you'll become one of the top business owners right out of the gates.You're probably saying to yourself: "So? Why should that matter?" Here's why:Many MLM corporate offices receive multiple calls per day from people who want to sign up for the company, but were never approached by a business owner. These folks don't have sponsors. They just want to sign up and start building their MLM home business. Guess what the corporate offices usually do? They randomly assign them into someone's downline.This means that if you are one of the first people to get started in the MLM company, there's a great chance that you'll end up with more and more of these random prospects over time. And as your downline grows, so too will the odds of you landing these little gems.Another Important ConsiderationWhen New MLM Companies launch, they create a lot of buzz. Word hits the streets and everybody wants in. This buzz is basically free advertising, so long as you've starting building a business in the company.Is This For You?Like everything, there are some big pros and cons to joining a new MLM company, but if you personally weight the pros and cons, you might find that it's worth looking into.
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