
Leadership Principles For Today's Network Marketers - 10 Must Know MLM Strategies For Success

What if there were 10 Key Leadership Principles that if learned and put into practice, would change your life and your business? Would you study them and take action?The first principle is Loyalty. How loyal are you to your team, your company, & yourself? Can you count on yourself to follow through and are you totally committed for the long haul? Are you presently building four different companies? Have you considered that scattered focus brings scattered results? What will it take you to get into the fast lane in your business, your relationships, and every other area of your life? Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10. Then write one thing you can do to incrementally move up;...not to a ten, just one at a time.The second leadership principle for today's networker has to do with this idea of servant leadership, which John Maxwell covers so well. In your network marketing company, are you building people up, treating them each differently, and creating an environment for success for them? Or are you carrying one conversation into another and treating each new & existing person in your organization with script mentality, like a number, or not trusting your gut instinct with how you've come to know that individual? Altogether, are you empowering them to grow into their full potential? You guessed it; Empowerment is our second principle. So can you see the acorn inside of the tree? Are you empowering your people by challenging them and creating an environment for success, or enabling them with promises that their business will be built for them? Repeat our first process and rate yourself on Empowerment from 1-10, listing one action you can take daily/weekly to move up the scale.Here's a huge question for you; what are you presently attracting into your business and your life? Are you satisfied? Fact: Environment is stronger than willpower. There is no better example of this than our industry and what it does for peoples lives. Going back to Empowerment, our industry provides a person a safe place of support and encouragement when other parts of their surroundings may not be so positive and supportive.Like attracts like and you will absolutely attract that which you are being into your business. That said, the third leadership principle is Attraction. The goal is to manage what we focus on, which manages our state, that manages our energy, and thus we've managed what we attract! Think about what you were focusing on and what your energy was like when you've attracted the best successes and people into your life. Here is the secret; to attract top 10 performers into your business, you have to have equal or greater energy than them. To often we focus on things that don't serve us; this lowers our focus, energy, and the chance of manifesting what we seek to attract. In this area of Attraction, one strategy will serve you very well; if someone in your business of personal life behaves in a way that is less desirable, speak to the better part of them. When you react to their present behavior, you get more of that, and less of the better part of them. Obviously the reverse is so true! Now score yourself honestly from 1-10.Number four; D stands for Develop. What value do you place on yourself and your growth? Do you have a self imposed limitation? The fact is, you always bring yourself to the stage...and everything that's going on with you! T Harv Ecker says, "What's going on on the inside shows up on the outside." Take that as a metaphor for every other area too. This one is real simple; how much are you committed to developing yourself to develop your business? Your business will only develop to the extent you do.We'll start the fifth leadership principle for today's networker with a quote from John Maxwell; "Leaders who attract followers need to be needed. Leaders who attract leaders want to be succeeded." Which kind of leader are you? The latter in his quote are the leaders that want to create legacy. How is the Exponential Growth in your business? You guessed it, that's the 'E' for number five. Leaders who attract followers focus on the weakness. Leaders who attract leaders focus on strength. In addition to this, a great process to attract who you want for exponential growth is by getting clear on the attributes of the leaders you want in your business. Maybe its being coachable, a great listener, someone who's humble, driven?? The clearer you get on these, the more of these people you'll see showing up. How are you in the area attracting leaders to your group and explosive, Exponential Growth? Be honest with your 1-10 score and what you plan to do to move it up.Number six is a big deal. Are you giving reasons for your performance or getting results?! In our sixth principle, responsibility, blaming, justifying, and complaining have no place. Responsibility is the ability to respond. Blame, justification, and complaints are the polar opposite and will destroy your business. End of story.That being said, does your business shift and operate differently daily? Are you reliable?Are you responsible? Responsibility is our seventh leadership principle every networker must cultivate. Can you be trusted by those around you; in work and play? The speed of trust equals change. Covey has seven sub-principles that break down Trust, and thus measure responsibility. They include communicating, demonstrating, transparency, righting wrongs, delivering results, following through on verbal commitments, listening first, and extending trust first. I'll have info about a training DVD where you can learn these at length. For now, give yourself a general rating.Number eight can be summarized in a quote from my mentor & Chief Training Officer (Isagenix) David Wood; "If you want to build a ship don't drum up people to collect wood and assign them tasks, but rather reach into their hearts & teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." How much heart do you really have for what you're doing? Are you so enthralled with the mission of your company that you can't sleep at night?! Maybe you're offer your service selflessly to a higher power, unattached to the outcome? Do you do what's uncomfortable? These are all examples of Heart. Take a moment to be really honest with yourself and again score yourself from 1-10. How you implement these will directly impact your results. Do you want a big shift or not?We touched a little on the ninth letter in Leadership earlier with Responsibility. Responsibility is in many ways what determines Integrity, our ninth key principle today's networker must put into practice. What is Integrity? Here is a great equation: strategy + character = Integrity. Keeping the agreements you set with yourself is the most important thing you can do. Do you trust yourself? This may be an eye opening formula: Integrity = Self Trust = Confidence = Ability to Take Action and have people Trust joining you. Ask yourself, "How do people feel about me when I don't keep my commitments?" Next, "How do I feel when I don't keep commitments to myself? A great philosophy is to make the decision about the next day the night before, not when your alarm clock goes off. Where are you on your commitments to yourself and others? This one is huge, so take some time and be honest.By now you may be perplexed wondering about the tenth crucial principle for today's networker. The good news is, number ten is a breath of fresh air. All of this may seem like a lot to examine, inventory, and create movement with. That's why the 'P' in leadership stands for Process! Growing yourself and your leadership in your network marketing business is a journey. The 'Law of Process' is the ability to keep taking action. Are you willing and committed to create your desired end result? Have you written out your life vision backwards with the end in mind, as Covey teaches?Now is the time for you to cultivate L-E-A-D-E-R-S-H-I-P. Its officially Now O' Clock. You, your team, your family, & community deserve the leader that you really are. Its up to you now. As David Wood said, "Are you going to take action and make a shift or will this be more 'Shelf Help'?You deserve it all,David Emil Lombard

