Sponsor - Teach Me What to Do Next Please
The excitement builds, you have just joined an online multilevel marketing company. You are all set to move forward and make a success of yourself. Then the realization and a question comes to mind, and as it should because you are now the captain of the ship you just launched. What do I do next?That is a question that should make a sponsor take notice and action. If you are a sponsor and have not picked up on your new business partners needs then you will have created a frustration that if left unchecked will lead to a high attrition rate.As a sponsor there are a few very important steps that you can take to make your new business partner feel at home and comfortable in their new venture. First it would be imperative to make yourself available and schedule some time so they can see that you are serious about spending time with them. You see, the time you set aside should be used for training and building that personal relationship you have already established. Remember that people join people and not the company, as so many seem to believe. A know, like and trust relationship is paramount to your business and a step that cannot be substituted with anything else.Second, make sure that you have a checklist of the steps that your new business partner must complete for their initial setup and take the time to go through each of the steps. It is not necessary for you to complete the checklist in one sitting. Assign homework and follow up on the assignment. Take the time to ensure that it is completed otherwise the initial setup may never be complete, leaving gaps in the training which may show a lack in your leadership abilities. The checklist also sets up an easy way for your new business partner to duplicate this same procedure. To them it is a predefined step to use when they sponsor someone into their business. This is one of steps of duplication which anyone joining your business needs to be able to do easily and confidently.Third, as your new business partner acquires prospects to call, let them know that you will help them with their calls so they learn what to say and do. After each call teach them the proper way of keeping notes and setting up times to do follow up calls. Let them know how important it is to follow up on a prospect, maintaining interest in the business opportunity as well, and giving the opportunity to build on that personal relationship.As a sponsor, you are a mentor, coach, friend and leader who needs to train your business partners to follow in your footsteps. If you have a system to generate leads make sure your team knows how to use and follow the protocols for that system. They need to know that the system duplicates and that they will see the same results over time. As a sponsor you need to remind yourself by walking in your new business partners shoes and think of what you would need and expect from your sponsor. If you did not have a sponsor that took the same consideration, stop the cycle, remember the struggles you went through and be determined not to let it happen to your team members.If you have just joined an online multilevel marketing company you should expect your sponsor to lead you by the hand until you feel confident enough to cut the apron strings and step out on your own. How will you know when the time is right? Ask yourself this question, Can I train my new team members to follow in my foot steps and duplicate with positive results?Does this mean that a sponsor needs to have all the answers, of course not! When the time comes, and it will, that you will not be able to answer a question. Set an example and teach your team the skill of pointing to the source of information needed. Never bluff your way through and make up an answer because your credibility is on the line and once broken the damage may be irreparable. Your team needs to know they have an extended team that they can rely on. Success is a team effort and each team member has something to contribute to the overall picture. As a sponsor you need to be on the lookout for the skills of the members on your team. Encourage them to share with the other team members the expertise they have mastered. A true leaders calling is to mentor the individual team members to a position of leadership.To be a sponsor means to be a leader, if you are going to be a leader be a great leader with empathy, humility and understanding. Set an example that your team members would be proud to emulate.
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