
My Company Would Never Do That, Would They?

Another online marketing company just confirmed they are terminating the current Network Marketing business model and will be implementing a more traditional method. Distributors have now lost their bonus checks.My husband and I speak with people all the time as network marketing mentors. With each one of them we ask them to read their Policies and Procedures. It is apparent people think that we are just saying this to mock them and bad mouth their opportunity/company. The thing is that we have walked in their shoes. We have been in companies and did not read the policies and procedures. We have had our bonus check taken away from us (stolen). We have had to start over and over. As mentors we are responsible to warn people and educate people about the truths of network marketing, companies and the management team of those companies. The policies and procedures will be the main topic that network marketers fail to educate themselves.Face it, all network marketers are in network marketing to make an income (residual income), and if your policies and procedures are hiding clauses that will prevent you from doing that, than why not find out what hoops you have to jump through to receive your check in your mailbox, preferably before the company starts implementing these gotcha clauses.Research the company before joining- don't fall into the trap of joining just because of the company and the product. Network marketing is not about products or companies. It is; however, about creating relationships of know, like and trust. It is about the end result..how best can I help you?We do not keep bringing this up to rub salt in wounds, it is sad that this type of behavior continues to happen to networkers. It is tremendously sad for the distributors who believe in the leadership team of these types of companies.The ink had not dried on my last post when I received yet another email from MLMWatchdog. The fact is that I receive notices from MLMWatchdog pretty much on a daily basis, of companies terminating or scraping the distributors or the MLM business model. Come on folks...too many times, when will we fight back and stand up for ourselves. All it takes is first researching the company, reading the P and P's - BEFORE jumping in and signing on the dotted line. Not ALL companies offer the same compensation, how much are you worth? 2%, 5% or perhaps 10%, why not search out companies that ARE paying distributors 20% and that is just to get started. Not all companies have policies that will have you jumping through more hoops than a circus animal. Some companies actually put their distributors first.They would never terminate me or scrub the MLM business model you say...they have in less time than it took to finish my last blog post. Do you want to be the next guy to find out that your policies and procedures are biting you in the butt?Being a professional network marketer and building a home based business is rocky enough as it is. DO NOT risk your hard work, time and energy with an opportunity/company that KNEW from the day the lawyers put pen to paper they would eventually terminate their MLM business model. If it wasn't a possibility and in the back of the management teams mind, it would never have been written as a legal documented statement in the P&P's. YOUR CONTRACT!!It is unfortunate; however, that many of the distributors who just lost their check will jump right back in the fire and will make the same mistake over and over again, and STILL never read the P&P's with the new company they hope to build their dreams with. Building a network marketing empire is not easy, the bonus check is gone from this company, yeah the top earners are gone too...how many times are you willing to jump in head over heals to build from the ground up?To your success,Darlene Mills

