Lead, follow or get out of the way is a statement that has been around for a long time because it has such a truthful meaning. The world is full of people who are doing one of the three. Another way of saying the same thing is, there are people who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and then people who wonder what in the world happened!If I am honest with myself, I must ask the question, "Which one of the three am I"? Owning up to two of the possible three choices would not make me feel so good. The truth of reality can sometimes hurt.This article will address those who are involved in an Internet business that may not be achieving their desired success. An interview with Daegan Smith, "King of Never Calling A Single Lead", prompted me to write this article and a link to the interview will be below. Daegan touched on the fact that Internet marketing has changed quite a bit since 2005 and this is the first realization that must be concluded.When Google first hit the scene and made searching the Internet such a breeze, anyone who was involved in Internet marketing could throw up a capture page or website and get tons of traffic because there was little competition. Percentage wise, not very many people knew then how to advertise like they do today. The cost of generating leads through pay-per-click campaigns today can be quite daunting.Leadership was not a virtue that was in high demand in the early days but today it is a very different story. Today people are not concerned about my company or my products because there are literally thousands of good companies with good products online today. The real value that people are looking for is in someone who will be honest and who will give them the truth about how to succeed online. So many people have tried different opportunities only to be burned and they have become very skeptical about ever achieving success online.One of the first sure steps to failure online is to have the mind-set of; "I am going to go online and make some money". The majority of people never make money online and it can be traced back to the original mind-set. A leader might take the approach of; "I am going to learn what it takes to be successful online so that I can teach others how to do the same". It is when we view success as being able to help others that we develop a leadership mind-set.Here are at least 10 characteristics of a leader:
A leader must be a good communicator (the quality of your communication determines the quality of your life)
A leader must be able to follow first. (Servant would be a great word)
A leader is a person of Integrity (crooks will crumble eventually)
A leader must be dedicated
A leader must show magnanimity (ability to give credit where credit is due)
A leader must be humble
A leader must be creative
A leader must be fair
A leader must be assertive
A leader must have a sense of humorBy teaming up with a mentor who is successful and has the above traits, learning marketing inside and out, realizing that an online business is a REAL business that requires advertising and daily attention, almost anyone can become a leader and succeed online.There are systems in place online that make it easier to become a leader today than ever before.