
Healthy Coffee Review - Can Coffee Really Be a Healthy Option?

First, let me say that I have been in the marketing industry for some time and in the health field for twenty plus years. During this time I have gained quite a bit of knowledge pertaining to healthy nutritional choices. With that being said, we are talking about the worlds favorite choice of beverage... COFFEE! Whether its hot, iced, latte, cappuccino, espresso, you name it, we drink it. The product is a WINNER right off the rip.This companies goals are quite admirable. Within a five year span, their intention is to open bases in twenty countries with a minimum of 50,000 independent distributors in each county. There ultimate goal is to associate "HealtH" with the worlds most popular drink and to be recognized globally as the worlds "Healthy Coffee Company."This is wonderfully planned. However, a companies success as we all know is not generated through products alone. The most marketable product in the world is meaningless without experienced people who know how to push that product into the public eye. The keywords here are "experienced people."A company may have the potential to draw thousands of distributors into their business opportunity but if those people are not properly trained and backed by influential leaders who are willing to teach and share their knowledge, than all you have are thousands of inexperienced distributors.In my humble opinion, I think this company offers a very promising opportunity. However, Healthy Coffee or any company for that matter is totally useless to the beginning marketer unless they KNOW how to market, generate leads and learn the principles that lead to success in this industry.In order to be successful as a network marketer, you must realize that educating yourself is first and foremost. If you are to succeed in this industry, you must not procrastinate but take full advantage of opportunities when they present themselves. You must take action! This is the formula for success.

