Create Multiple Streams of Income in Case Your Network Marketing Company Closes
This week an important network marketing company went under. iLearningGlobal chose to totally abandon their network marketing side and their marketers were left out in the cold. As much of a shock that it was to me I am sure it was even really a shock to them. Imagine all the time and money put in only to watch it go down the tube. Almost makes you want to throw in the towel! But let me encourage you to stand strong and fight for your right to a profitable future. And let me assure you there are some things you can certainly do to make certain your future in the Internet Marketing world is on solid footing.Who Are you?The above mentioned example of iLearningGlobal is one of the reasons you need to be your own man. Branding - creating your own message that informs others what you're all about - is so crucial to your business success. You cannot be known for a company - you should be known for who you're and what you give others. If you are not really sure what branding is think of some recognized things such as Kleenex tissues. Nobody today says, "Can you hand me a small hand size tissue." They say, "Can you hand me a Kleenex?" That's branding and yes it works for people too. What do you imagine when somebody mentions John Wayne? Immediately a visual image of a cowboy and someone who represented America pops into our minds. That's branding. When you create a strong brand you will not fall apart if one of the companies you work with goes under.Multiple Streams of IncomeIt is also not wise to put all your internet marketing eggs in one basket. Then when one company folds, as they do, you're not totally without income. Generating multiple streams of income is always a wise idea. You'll need to create various ways of generating money also. Internet marketing is not just limited to one type of revenue. And you can easily supplement your Internet Marketing business with things like direct sales, product or service creation or even website ad revenue.Stand StrongBy becoming a leader in your niche, creating a strong brand and producing multiple streams of income you're not at the whim of any one business. You're in control of the future. Learn to turn your losses into gains and grow from the experience. Stand strong and the ever changing world if internet marketing will be something you grow with not something that tears you apart. Don't let a situation like what happened at iLearning Global ruin what you have worked so hard to build.
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