
Finally, A Logical Global Information Network Review

I've read a Global Information Network review or two and I must say most have me rolling on the floor laughing like I just left a George Carlin show.I find it amusing that there's confusion about why GIN is focused on the secret society "angle". After looking into the Global Information Network extensively, I've discovered that their focus isn't on secret societies, such as Bilderberg, the Illuminati, Skull & Bones, the CFR, etc, so much as it is on empowering individuals to rise up within society.Now, isn't that the same chief aim of pretty much every network marketing company currently existing on planet Earth?Sure is, which brings me to the point that GIN isn't much different from any other MLM business you could decide to sink your teeth into.Benefits of MembershipA GIN membership (the product) contains an amazing collection of written, audio and video material on subjects such as personal development, ways to make money, business skills, mental skills, Law of Attraction, health, martial arts, how to save and invest money, how to pay off debt, how to save on taxes, etc.One advantage Global Information Network members seem to have that reps in MonaVie, Global Resorts, Alivamax, Genesis Pure, Jusuru, 21Ten, Pre-Paid Legal, PFS, Amway, Mary Kay, etc don't have is the fact that Kevin Trudeau is on the KT Radio Network every week advertising the GIN opportunity for you.What's Your Marketing Expertise?Now comes the bad part: it appears that most GIN reps aren't making much money at all. Now comes the good part: First, there's no Global Information Network scam... because most folks in any MLM opportunity aren't making much cash.Second, there's a solution. You see, you CAN make a TON of money as a GIN member. Their compensation plan is one of the best in the business.However, unless you have a solid attraction based sales funnel system in place, your results will be the same as the guy hassling the guy at McDonald's to come down to the Wednesday night hotel meeting.If you want success in the Global Information Network business opportunity, you've got to master 21st Century MLM techniques...things such as pay-per-click advertising, article marketing, video marketing, hub page marketing, branding, social media, etc.My Global Information Network review can be summed up like this: the opportunity and comp plan are fantastic, you would do well to pursue the opportunity, but you'll fail unless you learn how to market and brand yourself through a proven, systematic marketing program.

