
How Am I Supposed to Build My Network Marketing Business If I Cannot Advertise?

Well, I want to put network marketers at ease. The reason most companies put it in their policy and procedures is that they do not want someone tarnishing their names with inaccurate advertising. I was just in a conversation with a gentleman in a company and they were told by their company that you could not contact cold market. Now, in theory, I will take and say that what they don't want someone going out their and blasting to the world with spam messaging or emails to become part of the company. Now, that would get people upset at the company, and they really do not know enough about the company except someone was blasting info on it, and it ticked people off that did not care about the company.Now, let us say your name is Joe Smith, and you were screaming I am Joe Smith and you love the color blue and all the homes should be painted blue in Chicago. Now, many people would think that you need to be committed to a mental hospital. Now, maybe you also scream that you love Glidden paint. Now, the people hearing you may think you are with Glidden. Now, some gangs in Chicago hear this, and they start to paint homes in Chicago blue in the middle of the night. I would imagine that it would hit the news, and the news media would want to talk to Glidden to find out who this guy from their company was, and why Glidden started painting homes of those who did not want it, painted them blue? What if someone decided to sue Glidden? Now, this could be real bad press, and Glidden would have to defend their name. Does this mean Glidden has a bad product? No!This is exactly what the companies fear in the policies and procedures, not that you will paint peoples homes blue, but they have to care about what you do and say. It is their reputation, not yours. Now, Joe could be a painter, and he was trying to boost his business because Glidden had the best paint. But who had to defend themselves. Now, magnify this to the number of representatives in your networking company. One bad apple in a basket, can spoil the whole basket. Now, it your in the same company, do you want to be responsible to what all the others do? Of course not. When you became a distributor, you have become an independent distributor or business providing products to your customers. Who are your customers getting the product from? Your business and no one else. What happens if you are marketing products and you find a better supplier? Will you say you are with company ABC now, instead of XYZ? No. You are still your own business. Just like Walmart, they distribute many companies products, but when you are a customer, who are you a customer of? You are a customer of Walmart.So, can you advertise you? Yes. Can you advertise the benefits of the products you sell? Yes. Can you use the company name? NO! Can you use your business name? Yes! This is one of the biggest secret tools that most networkers do not get, is the tool of positioning. You need to position your business and provide to your customers the benefits that they get by coming through you. If you do excellent business, people will be attracted to you. If you do bad business, yes the people will come after you.Now, beyond positioning you need to know how to position yourself with the products. I could go into several articles on this, but sometimes, it is better to be trained and an education on how to build a business. Their are many people out there that can help you, find someone that you seem to understand and get with that person.

