
Does Your MLM Have a Sustainable Future?

MLM businesses come and go at an alarming rate. If you're planning to build your future with network marketing then it is vital that you find a network marketing opportunity which is sustainable for that future. There are six key indicators that you can look for.Does the company offer a product people want? The primary aim of any business has to be to get a quality product into the hands of consumers for a profitable price. Companies which offer low value products or products which only look good on the surface cannot grow. Why? Because sustainable business also means building relationships with customers who return to make purchases again and again. A shoddy or useless product does not produce repeat sales. Customers may very quietly fade into the sunset, but they will remember, they will not refer you, and, if you are very unlucky, they will loudly trash your reputation to anyone who will listen.Is there a high commission threshold? How much commission are you making on each sale? How much is each sale worth? How much are you making on your matrix and how many people do you need in your matrix to make a sustainable living? It takes as much time to sell 100 products whether those 100 products make you $1 per product or $1000 per product. Which would you rather make?Does your team offer world class support? Like anything else in life, network marketing is a skill. Do your more experienced team members take the time to direct you to the resources you need to see in order to learn those skills and succeed? Though only you can make your income happen, team support is vital to long term success.Are you paid quickly and often? Some companies have more ways to avoid paying you then they have to pay you! Motivation is directly linked to your paycheck, and if you can't make a living you can't keep trying. That's simple mathematics. You need to be able to make enough, at least on a part time basis, quickly enough, to justify the effort, or you'll soon quit-along with most of your team.Does the product offer broad based appeal? Everyone talks about your niche, but let's face it-specialty products can only sell to a small subset of the population. The companies that have done best in MLM have focused on wide range appeal issues such as health, beauty, home and garden, and travel.Does the company conduct itself with honor and integrity? Do a search for the company name and the company founder's name and add the word "scam." See what comes up-do your due diligence! A company that indulges in bad business practices is soon going to fall, and it will likely take you with it.Armed with these six key indicators you can make solid decisions about your network marketing future by being certain that you are investing in a sustainable operation.

