Network Marketing Leads - How to Use a Free Classified Ad Submitter Software Effectively
If you are promoting your network marketing business, you are probably familiar with free advertising methods that you can use with great results. In case you are not aware, there are always pros and cons to using free advertising methods. It just depends on how much value do you place on your time. Most people start their network marketing leads generating campaign with free classified ads. Why? Because they are incredibly effective in terms of acquiring a marketing skill fast without having to read a book about it like most complicated online marketing systems.Anyone Can Place A Classified Ad Offline And Online - Even Poorly Written Ads Can Still Generate Massive Traffic To Your WebsiteYou have probably seen your share of poorly written ads that have you wondering if they ever get any responses. As a matter of fact, they do. I see them on Craigslist all the time. The reason why they still generate responses is due to the fact that they address the needs of the customer without using hypnotic writing copy writing tactics. Let me give you a perfect example.Many years ago, the keyword "How To Get Rid Of Acne" was not very competitive. Now it is. The question is how do marketers differentiate themselves from that particular ad especially if they are marketing a product that addresses acne problems? The answer was simple. Are you aware that a conversion rate to an ad can jump dramatically by the simple act of changing or adding one word. For example, in this case, an online marketer would create an ad with this headline: "How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast."Just the simple act of adding the adjective "fast" made a big difference. You can type the keywords "How To Get Rid Of Acne" into the Google search engines just to see how competitive the organic search results are for that term. Do you see how those headlines in the search results look so similar? The only difference is that many of them have added either an adverb to the end of that keyword phrase just to make themselves stand out. This exact same principle applies to the "make money" niche as well which is extremely competitive.You Now Know How To Differentiate Yourself From Your Competition - What Next?You need to start visiting free online classified sites with lots of traffic like Craigslist, Inetgiant, and more. Start setting up an account with each one of them using a unique user name and password. This process can be incredibly tedious. If you value your time very preciously, then the best alternative would be to download a classified ad submission software at one reputable site.Most of you may have heard bad reports about using these kinds of software because of their notorious spamming usage. It is the spammers who are giving this product a bad name. If it gives you any reassurance on the legitimacy of classified ad submitter software, I am pleased to inform you that spammers lurk on Facebook and Twitter too.A classified ad submitter software will allow you to submit your ad to all the popular classified ad sites. It is important to note the ones with a high Alexa rank because your main concern is traffic to your ad.
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