Network Marketing - To Succeed Or Not to Succeed? That is the Question
Questions that you may haveWhat makes a network marketer successful? What makes them fail? Is mindset that important? Can any one do network marketing? Who is your worst enemy in MLM? I want to share all this with you and then some. I want to help people see the ups and downs to MLM.Well first lets talk about what the best thing in my opinion about Network Marketing. This would have to be the fact that you are your own boss. Meaning you can decide when to work, how much to work, where to work. You have complete control over all this. But there comes a price to pay for being your own boss. First you don't have to get up and a set hour. You don't have to work and get paid by the hour. You don't have to listen to some one above you. Great right? Well not necessarily. You see that means there's no one there to get on you. You don't have the same kind of drive you would have if you worked at burger king. You don't have that nagging in your ear about some thing so you have to nag at your self. This is harder than it would seem, mainly because we are not taught how to do this. We are taught that if we don't get a good education and get to work on time we wont have a pay check. So we have to learn how to motivate yourself. Which brings me to topic 2.Your worst enemy. This is YOU. You are your worst enemy because of 2 things. One you will probably do 1 of 2 things. One, be to nice to your self. Example. "Its OK Jane we didn't do any thing today but there always tomorrow". Jane goes to bed. Alarm goes off 8 hours later. Jane looks up at it and turns it off and tells her self, "Ill get up in the next 30 minutes". Then the same thing acquires 30 minutes later. The problem with this is you don't have that drive to get up even though you know you should. You have to force your self to get up and do stuff. You have to get on your own butt about doing some thing. Then there's number two. This one can be just as bad. Example. "Darn it Jane why do you ALWAYS say some thing stupid now we cant even get his done WAY TO GO, mess up more why don't you". See you don't want to be to hard on your self or you could have a similar effect in the sense you lose the drive do to making your self depressed. These are in my opinion the two biggest things that make a network marketer fail. Now lets move on to topic 3.Now then lets talk about mindset. This is HUGE in network marketing, and can make you or break you. A lot of people get jazzed up when they first get into network marketing. They say how there gonna get all these people to sign up and how there going to help out there family and have there parents retire. These are all great, and there good for putting you on a path to success. But unfortunately its not always enough. Some times and I have seen this more often than not, a person will tell MANY people about there business and get rejected by ever single one. This puts the person in a state of questioning. They start to doubt that they can succeed in network marketing. I my self went through having people tell me no. In fact I didn't make a penny for the first 6 months in my first MLM business. But I still believed that MLM worked. The reason I believed it did is because I talked to others in the business and I had seen there paychecks I had seen how it worked for others just not me, I had probably the WORST luck but i was determined.Now lets get back on track. See if you can get your self ion the right mind set you cant fail cause you wont let your self fail. If some one handed you an axe and said go look for gold you would probably tell them to jump off a bridge cause who can just DIG up gold now days. But what if some one told you if you went in this mine and dug that eventually you would find gold, and maby they showed you a graph proving that there was gold down there. Only thing is they didn't now where they just knew it was down there, wouldn't you dig and dig and dig till you found it o.O? Of course well network marketing is no different. Except for the fact that even though we know it works we give up because of set backs and what not. You have to put your self in the right mindset and if you do this and NEVER give up you can succeed. This is what makes it so that ANY ONE can do network marketing as long as you are willing to learn and go the distance you will succeed. Now then lets move on to some thing else.There is another thing that I want to share with you guys. Some times the reason you may not be have a lot of success or none at all could be because of the kind of MLM your in there are many out there. Some that sell knives, some that sell makeup, wellness products, some sell services like the one I am in, GDI or Global Domain International. The point I am trying to make is when you chose a MLM, try to chose one that fits you. I chose GDI for 3 reasons, one its VERY inexpensive, two it has much credibility, and three its online. Now I want to point out for me I have been in 2 others and the first one for me was too expensive, now what i mean is not that it was to expensive for me to do, but that it was to expensive to ask others to sign up for, and I don't like taking peoples money that they don't have to give. But you could in sense earn ALOT more money in the long run with it but personally, that business was just not right for ME. Now I am not saying go find your self a tone of MLM and try them all no i mean think about the kind of person you are and make your decision based on that.
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