
Home Based Business Success - Changing Karma For Home Based Business

I spent many hard earned dollars trying to find a way to earn extra income in a home based business. I bought or invested in many at home possibilities and on-line opportunities. None of them panned out in the least. Maybe I am not a good, independent, home based business person, or a good salesperson. Or maybe my focus was on the wrong thing - - making money. Perhaps I had bad karma.I don't know what the reason was, but home based business success eluded me. So I decided I needed to make a philosophical change. Instead of focusing on what my business could do for me, I made a shift to what can my business do for everybody else? Instead of helping just ourselves, let's help others.Network marketing your home based business is all about connecting. In a broad overview, it means telling people you know, your network of friends, relatives and associates, about a product or service you're trying to sell. And you should try to steadily grow your network of associates and friends as much as possible to expand your potential client base. The really big, successful, home network marketers have a huge network that they always manage to keep growing. Interestingly, they seem to focus it around other network marketers.Well, my idea is a little different. What happens if you don't want the focus of your network to be other network marketers? Well, not unless they want to help other people who need support. Where there is big need, there are people who want to help - - and usually, lots of people. To me, that means there is a network of friends, family, co-workers or concerned, community people who want to make a difference. What a wonderful group of people! What a network! Wouldn't it be great to to have those type of people in your home based business network and in your downstream?Our local Women's Center, which also included the Rape Crisis Center, was always hurting for funds. Every year it was a fight to have enough to stay afloat, much less expand any services. I know there were plenty of supportive people within the community, but their contributions were like one time deals. With the MLM opportunities out there now, these local supporters could grow a strong network of residual income for their special organizations. Their help would continue for year after year and continue to grow. Do you know of any organizations that wouldn't like that? They would not only have more revenue to keep operating, but would also be able to expand their programs. How cool is that?As for individuals, like wounded veterans or police-people or fire-people, the same would be true. These people's family, friends, supporters could finally have a substantial, residual building way to help these local heros. There would be a realistic way to try and pay back their sacrifices for us. How? If there are easy, low cost, home based opportunities that use MLM to do the lion's share of the work, then what a deal. Why not utilize those home based businesses in a new way? Let's spread the success around and help our communities and heros at the same time.Change your karma. Generate new success in your home based business. Share the dream!

