
Dip Three of Your MLM Toes in the Home Based Business Pond

For me after being in three, yes three home based businesses, I knew it was time for me to look at doing this right or quit doing it.WELL, I HAVE TOO MUCH ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT IN ME TO GIVE UP THAT EASY!!!So, I decided to make sure I had three goals that I could achieve in my set time frame.1. Make investment back quickly It is a MUST that I would get into my next business where I could make my initial investment back as soon as possible. (This will help keep our spouses off our backs) So, I look for businesses where there is a small initial investment, little or no monthly renewal fees (or even yearly renewal fees) and where there is a product or service that MOST people are going to use anyway. Believe me, the businesses are out there and so are the people. If it is easy to do and easy to understand and people are going to purchase it anyway our efforts get that much easier. I have always worked to recoup my initial investment within one to two months of starting my businesses.2. MLM attached to it that will allow me the chance to make BIG MONEY If it has what I mentioned in Number 1, it makes it a little easier for people to feel that they have a chance with the MLM side of it too. Don't get me wrong and don't think I am trying to make it sound like it is a magic bullet. Because it isn't!! It still takes effort. But without the monthly or yearly fees, I can work at my pace or the pace that my life allows me to work it. Your goal can be whatever you want it to be. Reach for the sky I say.3. A tool that would help me get leads once I started exhausting my circle of influence There are many people out there that would love to coach or mentor you...for a modest fee that is. I have found that if you want to really succeed in the MLM business, this is almost a must. And well worth the money. These folks not only show you ways to market your business but can provide you a lot of back office elements that can manage your leads, as well as, weed out the cold or even lukewarm ones. They teach you ways that help you market your business in a way where the real warm leads find you. I don't know about you, but I like the thought of that happening.So it is not rocket science. Just some effort, entrepreneurial spirit and some good tools to help you keep reaching your goals.

