Don't Lose Your Shirt! - How to Survive When Your MLM Company Quits on You
In the past few months we have seen three major companies close their MLM side and as a result displace their distributors: XELR8, Arbonne, and most recently ILearning Global. XELR8 and ILearning Global simply wanted to change they way they market and Arbonne is going through a bankruptcy. This is a very sad thing for distributors because they may have spent years building a team and all of a sudden that income is taken away from them overnight. There are three important things that you must do in order to survive if this happens to you: Brand Yourself, Build a List, and have Multiple Streams of Income.There are many ways to brand yourself on the internet. One way is to secure a personal domain name and create a web presence such as JohnDoe.com or WhoIsJohnDoe.com. Here you can post all your blog entries and videos. It helps you brand yourself as an expert in your niche. Also, utilize social media networks. Set up profiles on these sites and try to use the same headshot so that people will begin to recognize you.Building a list is very important in your network marketing business. How many times have your heard that the money is in the list? Utilizing capture pages and auto-responders like Aweber will allow you to keep in touch with people that you speak to about your opportunity on autopilot. Even if they don't join your company right away, if you keep in touch with them they may join you at a later date. Also if you move on to another company voluntarily or involuntarily, and if you have a good relationship with your list, they may follow you to your new opportunity.Last but not least, it is important to have multiple streams of income. One way that you can achieve this is by becoming an affiliate marketer. An affiliate marketer sells other peoples products. So you don't have to have your own product to make money! You can find products to sell on ClickBank or Shareasale (there are also many others). When a sale is made by a customer that you referred, you earn a percentage of the sale. Some of the merchants on these sites will even pay you just for sending them leads. Affiliate marketing is great because it allows you to generate an income even if your prospect does not join your primary business.So once again, in order to "Keep Your Shirt" you need to do three main things: Brand Yourself, Build a List, and set up Multiple Steams of Income. If you have these in place then it does not matter what happens to your primary company. It may still hurt you emotionally but at least it won't make as large a dent in you bottom line.
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