
Javafit Pro Review - Can You Make a Profit Selling Coffee From Home?

Javafit Pro Review: Just a closer look into the beverage MLM business of coffee.Company Overview:Javafit MLM Company was founded in 2003 by a couple of guys looking to stay in shape and focused on health. They wanted to provide themselves with a nutritional edge without changing their habits. Understanding the many choices available to them they look no further than what they enjoyed already, coffee. It made absolute sense to them as a delivery source that would have customers coming back time and time again. It was then that Scott Pumper now president and Jose Antonio a sports nutritional specialist created the Javafit Coffee product line.In 2007 they joined forces with David Briskie now C.E.O of the company. He has an extensive business background in company mergers. He looked to CLR Roasters as a acquisition that would benefit the companies long term growth potential.Javalution Coffee Company headquarters is in Miami, Florida under the corporate name of CLR Roasters. Housed in a 18,000 sq. ft facility operating at 40% capacity with room to spare as the market demands increase.Product Plus:--DietPlus62-high energy fat burning that keeps you in shape.--EnergyExtreme62-stimulates metabolism, increases fat oxidation & performance--ImmunePlusMulti-Vitamins-boost immune system during the cold season, help you stay healthy--FocusPlusMulti-Vitamins-need more energy and focus for daily activities or workoutsOrganic Fair Trade:--Original Roast-100% pure Arabica coffee grown in Latin America--Decaf-processed to extract 99% caffeine w/o chemicals--Impact-enriched with 14 mushroom extracts to detoxify, invigorate and energize the bodys healthThere's a lot to like here in this product. Drink a nice roasted dark coffee, get nutritional benefits, boost overall health and increase performance in the gym.Opportunity:Javafit MLM allows you to enter in at different compensation levels from business package to manager to executive depending on your individual needs. You get support and training from your sponsor who you can use on 3 way calling with a prospect. To help grow your business tie into the weekly conference calls, use the back office & marketing strategies and watch teaching video tutorials. You get to customize your company web site with your picture, optional. What I thought was hopeful was the ease at which they address issues like going online to build your business or going outside your warm market of family and friends. This is encouraging to anyone who's been involve with network marketing and felt their hands were tied.In conclusion:It's a great product, coffee, who doesn't drink this stuff but try convincing them to pay $60 for three pounds, that might be tough. However, there are additional benefits and nutritional value with this brand. Compensation plan is a comparable plan that is both binary and uni-level both having the ability to create potential income for you and your family. This will require absolute focus and knowledge of marketing to get your products out in front of people looking for just this kind of product. Because the warm market will not sustain any profitable return for the long haul you'll be force to seek other avenues to approach this opportunity. It's apparent that additional training and instruction will be necessary for your Javafit business to succeed.

