Start Collecting Affordable Silver While You Still Can!
Silver has attracted mans interest for many thousands of years. Ancient civilizations found silver deposits plentiful on or near the earths surface. They would use this to incorporate into their jewelry and their pagan statues. They had little knowledge of its value and it was not used in trade until later on. Relics can still be found today of these civilizations, include jewelry, religious artifacts, and food vessels formed from the durable, malleable metal. This metal took on near spiritual qualities in marking important historical milestones that lasted for centuries, and served as a medium of exchange. The Mesopotamian merchants were doing just that as early as 700 B.C.Silver then had a direct role to play in Americas economy in 1792 when Congress based the currency on the silver dollar and its joined connection to gold. In 1965 the use of silver was discontinued and instead was used in various other industrial sources that were called for in the beginning of the 20th century.Today not only is silver considered to be a valuable and an extremely rare commodity, but it is more importantly thought to be a safe and wise investment. While is true is that silver is a scarce mineral that can still be found in Mexico, America, Peru, Australia and Chile. It is also one of the most affordable precious metals that are found. What does this mean? This means that it enables the masses to be able to collect silver while the prices are still in the ignored affordable range. By just collecting one silver eagle or numismatic coin per month, leave the collection alone and let it build and grow over the course of a few years; one would have built up a nice comfortable asset.The American Eagle Bullion program was launched in 1986 with the sale of gold and silver bullion coins. The popularity of the Silver American Eagle coin was due not only to its beauty which is based on the famous "Walking Liberty" of Adolph Weinman's 1916 U.S. half-dollar but also to the fact that the government guarantees that each coin contains 1 troy ounce of silver, is 99.9% pure and is legal tender, which enables the holder to sell its content for face value at any given time that they choose to do so. Value is strictly based to the current market value. And at the present time, the price of silver has not been this high in decades and experts predict it to get much higher in the future.In reality with the current economic situation at an all time low, the value of the American dollar holds little to no value and it is getting poorer every day. People need to ignore the "Cash for Gold" commercials and find out the reason "Why?" are these commercials always asking me to get rid of my precious metals. Financial experts that make their passion of studying global economies collect assets such as silver. Commodity investors have been strongly urging Americans' to buy silver and gold for a while, but the words have been ignored.They fear that the economy will not support the stock market and the dollar much longer without heavy repercussion to those that are serious collectors of silver.It is a fact that the value of gold and silver may fluctuate from time to time, but all signs point to an upward trend at the moment, it has always remained a sturdy and rock-solid investment. It has carried nations through rough times when their dollar failed and it will do the same again. Only those that are wise enough to see the reality of this will survive the turbulent times that are ahead.Start collecting affordable silver while you still can!!!
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