Network Marketing Tips - Persuasion Through the Third Party Closer
The use of the third party closer is used in the network marketing industry more then ever before. It has become a normal practice and is in place as a "must do" step to get the close.I have seen the effect that a third party closer can have on a prospect when he or she has an off day and are not focused completely on what they are doing. To put in a lot of hard work prior only to have it slip away from you in the last minutes due to this persons off day. I've seen first hand the prospect second guessing this decision to join you in your company. Now I'm not saying that you should give up the process entirely but it doesn't do anything to position you as a leader or someone they can follow in a network marketing business.Think about it.If they have to speak to someone else in order to get the answer they seek, what does that do to you? "Well, you start looking like a waiter rather than someone who owns the restaurant." They're focused on the closer as the expert, not you. You now loose credibility and positioning with that individual. Who will they look to for assistance, if they go ahead and join? The expert or you?Remember people follow leaders. Someone they feel has they're best interest at heart and can assist them in becoming successful in the industry.So what do you do?To create a strong position from the start. Understanding the products, services and compensation plan of your organization first. Then create a conference call to send your prospect to for more information about your exceptional product, services and opportunity. Remember you're not twisting arms or convincing them but rather give them all the information necessary so they can make an educated choice to move forward.Then, just to reassure your prospect, you can use the third party close technique. By then all information you've presented will only be reinforced by the third party closer thus showing the continuity and support of your organization.In conclusion:If you've done your home work and everything is in place for your business then you can rest assured that you won't be giving your positioning away to anyone in the closing. But rather enjoy the process start to finish knowing that you're providing the best service possible to your prospect.
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