
The Evolution of MLMs

MLMs or Multi Level Marketing opportunities have been around for over a half century now. The 1960's and 1970's were the heyday of it all. That was before the internet. The internet has not totally killed MLM but it has definitely turned it into a lame duck.The internet has given rise to so many different opportunities that the true MLM seems to have been left in the dust. I know that it may appear that MLM is more popular than ever because there are literally thousands of companies trying to get a foot hold into what ever marketing niche they are in through MLM. Back in the mid to late 1900's there were only a handful by comparison. The success stories of individuals who really make any money in MLM are even fewer and farther in between now than they were 30 years ago. Practically no one makes in big in this new generation of MLM marketing. Back in the day Amway and Shaklee could point to a handful of their "distributors" who became legitimate millionaires as a result of the business. It is doubtful any one can even locate a millionaire MLM distributor in this day and time. The drop out rate for MLM distributors was well into the 90% range back in those days.There is probably an infinitesimal difference between 99% and 100% as far as the drop out rate now. It probably is 100% now. On the surface there seems to be more opportunities now than ever before, but that may be MLM's downfall. It is now simply too easy to get into and then out of an MLM company. Every time a new MLM company comes up with a flashier web page on the internet, everybody jumps ship to another MLM company. Then they come to the realization that the real opportunity today in MLM is in scams. That just leaves a bad taste in every ones mouth.

